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stuwell last won the day on May 16 2018

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About stuwell

  • Birthday 01/23/1965

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  1. Think this will be another shit fest like the Livingston game and we will probably get a draw at best. Not been to there ground for a few years as they bring no fans to FP so I won't subsidise them.
  2. Thought Tait not challenging on two or three occasions was more down to the conditions and the fear of mis timing the tackle and getting sent off as although Walsh was happy to let Hearts players slide about I'm not sure he would have been so lenient if one of ours had done the same - still don't get the Hearts player only getting booked along with Tait but no booking for the initial challenge.
  3. TV game? and if so when will it be moved to, Friday night, Saturday lunch time or Sunday?
  4. Although I understand the grumbles around this I still feel that Caddin had few options. There wasn't a lot of clubs offering him a deal apart from us and Oxford so he could stay here on a relative pittance or move on for better money and a chance of furthering his career - a no brained in my view. If having decided on the move Oxford then say ok this is how we're going to do this, then he would have had to agree to it or give up the move.
  5. He didn't play any worse than Long who replaced him.
  6. Gallagher for me tonight but Campbell also looked good - guy keeps getting better and will be one of our best players this season.
  7. Tuesdays game should be interesting selection wise. Will SR stick with Fridays team or try out a different selection? Is Tuesday the last chance he will have to give "fringe" players a chance or does he secure the win and top seeding then change things on Saturday? Being the last game before the season starts, id think that - injury's aside - Saturdays game will see his favoured team.
  8. Big banana skin this game. Morton were only beaten 3-2 by St Johnstone last week, games on the TV and big John Sutton playing for them. Still we should have enough about us to get through it but I don't think it will be pretty or easy.
  9. Tom Leighton is an interesting one, I'm sure he is a defender who left us a few years ago for Watford and has been capped by NI under 21's. So if we have money for 1 more guy, is another defender what we need? Not against signing him if he can do us a turn.
  10. Happy for them to continue in their jobs but I noticed that the statement says Robinson's been in charge for more than 100 games but omits his win to lose ratio.
  11. Someone wants to have a chat with you about giving a fuck what he does - if it annoys you stop following him ffs!
  12. According to motherwellnet sponsorship was '82 - '84 this HTML class. Value is http://www.motherwellnet. com/fact-file/a-z/sponsers/ edit: sorry link not working & I don't know how to fix
  13. Was definitely a team of talented young players with Caddin, Hall, Campbell and Turnbull the cream of the crop but there were others I thought would have made first team regulars
  14. Stick yer oar up yer arse and get over it
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