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Everything posted by Rammer

  1. I think a decent goal threat is all we are needing at the moment to move this team forward. We've shown we can pass the ball and defend well we just need a clinical edge* to our forward line and we'll be there. *As long as that clinical edge can be brought in for a bag of sweeties and the Beano!
  2. Dundee Utd late equaliser...buggar.
  3. .......and relax! Fine result, well played boys.
  4. It's about the right time for them to pile it on. Hold firm boys!
  5. Well it won't be the first time a Sutton has scored at Parkheid!
  6. Ah okay. Do you think we should bring on Jennings to shore up the midfield/defence?
  7. I take it he's a right winger then?
  8. How has the Duke played? Sounds as though he has picked up from the Falkirk game.
  9. Any chance of a goal then?
  10. How are we doing this half? Sounds as though Celtic have come into a bit more, getting nervous already about an injury time winner for the fuckers!
  11. Great gesture by the club. Let's hope we can make her smile up there today.
  12. I'll take 0-0 HT by the sounds of things.
  13. The problem this season has been putting the ball in the back of the net. We've had plenty of possession in games with no real cutting edge. Hopefully we can put that right today!
  14. Sounds as though we are doing reasonably well. C'mon ye 'well!
  15. They're actually pile drivers for him!
  16. Can't access any of these sites or the radio. I'm at work.
  17. Thanks guys, keep the updates coming if you can.
  18. How's the opening minutes going? (No radio or tv link here!).
  19. What position does he play?
  20. I think the Hibs and Falkirk quotes were just tagged on to the end of a previous article.
  21. This post just confirms to me that you are indeed, a stalker!
  22. Think that may be a bit harsh on the guy. Not knowing the details of what happened, I would think it was a bit more than an early miscarriage. I would've imagined that his wife was fairly close to having the baby when things have gone wrong. I'm in no way belittling miscarriages here, just pointing out that things were probably more advanced in the pregnancy hence the extra time off work.
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