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Everything posted by tree

  1. I had man love for Nick Cusack and I still can't really explain it.
  2. I still have this feeling were going to lose someone tonight. Would have liked to see another striker but it looks like we'll just have to pish with the cock we've got.
  3. tree

    Jim O'Brien

    Hope your right. I think he's been very good for us and is arguably our only creative player in an attacking sense.
  4. tree

    Jim O'Brien

    I meant he can move to a championship club just as easily from them as he could from Motherwell.
  5. tree

    Jim O'Brien

    Even though none of us are agents, this appears to make financial sense. I think Jimbo could increase his wages by c.50% at Hearts or Aberdeen now - or triple them in 12 months time in the Championship. He's still not the finished article yet, so why not stay at Fir Park, being nurtured by Brown and Knox? Problem is he can do both at Aberdeen.
  6. tree


    Did I just here booos at Pittodrie?
  7. tree


    Absolutely delighted with this result. In fact it looks to have been a good set of results all round today ....Hibs just taken leads just as I write. Still good though
  8. I hope your way of the mark Melvin, but you might also be right. I still think we might receive an offer for Reynolds though and that could result in some more movement. I'm guessing the loan extentions of Ruddy and the Duke have eaten a little into our wage bill but surely Boyle has saved enough from recent exits to allow a little more strengthening. Some pace on the left would help and whilst we may (injuries permitting) survive the season with what we've got up front, I think there's a big risk in only going in with what we've got. I know it's futile to throw figures out there but I would not be surprised if our overall squad wage bill has been reduced by as much as 30% over the last year or so.
  9. As sinky has said. Aren't you missing the point that he had no intention of staying and committing himself to Motherwell Football Club.
  10. Could be someone who caught JB's eye whilst cruising.
  11. Older and wiser and exactly what the club needed after Gannongate. Brown and Knox have the respect of all the squad and that puts everyone back in their place. We might now see some sensible player management and it's going to be interesting to see whether they can get the best out of our young players and convince one or two to stay a little longer. It is my opinion that securing their commitment to the club now might also secure players we could have lost. I get a sense that all the players are excited about the season ahead and dare I say it perhaps a little in awe of our latest management team. The players know all to well that a different manager can provide a very different future. Giving them a 2yr contract now makes perfect sense to me. It has been a very long time since Motherwell had someone with Browns standing in the game and Motherwell's interests at heart at the helm of the Ark. We would be foolish at best to not make the most of this opportunity. Aside from Smith, there can be no other manager in Scotland with his connections in the game. Their enjoying an Indian summer and look like they've got the bug. With enough time and perhaps a young head (?) alongside them, Brown and Knox could move our club on significantly.
  12. As I've said many times on here I think this lad would do a good job for us. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...een/8449612.stm
  13. Point taken. I should have said whenever I have taken my son's friends to Fir Park they have looked distinctly unimpressed. I, like you, seem to enjoy the character of older grounds but I'm only going on reactions I've witnessed.
  14. tree


    Is the Catering contract a Motherwell mafia thing - like the old Ice Cream Wars. The drinks are pish, the food is shit. Get them to fuck and replace them with another.
  15. This is a difficult one. The older fans like the old fashioned character of our football ground but that doesn't appeal to the young - they like shiny plastic things with lots of screens to look at. MFC need to get into the schools and brainwash. I'm obviously not advocating it but a year in the 1st Division quickly followed by the 1st Div title would probably swell the attendances a little.
  16. tree

    New Manager

    Possibly - Adds to the Preston and Everton connections.
  17. I have critised Boyle in the past and praised his stewardship in recent times. Only time will tell as to whether this latest chapter is a decision MFC will regret or not. I've commented before that I would like Boyle to give the fans the chance to buy into the club. I'm not minted but if given the opportunity to buy a small stake and then collectively vote on decisions concerning the club, I'd jump at it. I'm not talking about `the Ebbsfleet way` but there are definately opportunities to raise finance and take our club forward. Sorry about Nevin. Motherwell FC and Boyle have made progress lately and I applaud the decision to appoint Brown and Knox at this moment in time. Maybe its because I'm getting old, but recently I keep asking myself what exactly (side from attending a match) do I get from continually handing over a significant proportion of my wage on a monthly wage to Boyle.
  18. That's it for me and since this realisation he has been engineering his escape.
  19. tree

    Football Wit

    Football. Bloody Hell. SAF
  20. No bother. Really only pointing out the ridiculous situation. Agree Boyle needs to answer questions regarding contract also.
  21. Burma. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIR1_RsRvA0
  22. Or the fact that he misses shagging the chairman's son.
  23. Nearly pissed myself when I read that.
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