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Everything posted by wunderwell

  1. I can't bring myself to take about Stevie Woods. Would have won the league with a better keeper.
  2. I think it's about the changes that he won't make but I'd like to see Sparrow on for Halliday/Zdrakovski Kaleta on for O'Donnell Watt on for Robinson I'd be really happy with that team. As an important aside This is the first time he has to cut a first team player from the bench with Casey returning. Someone is going to be unhappy.
  3. A website pre the nuclear war.
  4. This game is a problem. Plan A doesn't work. Plan B has proven last season and this season has worked for the last 30 mins of football games. Could the support accept watching Plan B from the start of the game? I'm bored a lot of the games watching the same old. If you play Plan B you could see us win 5-0 against Ross County and lose 5-0 to Dundee as an example. But let's dig a bit deeper. If you play with more strikers you pen people in at the back and this is why this crazy 5-1-4 you see at the end of games tends to work, as they have to subsequently keep more players back. Continuing with the 5 at the back defends breakaways. It becomes really really open in the midfield obviously. I'd love to see it but expect the same old against United with simply a few changes to the players. What's the thoughts of the forum, love to see it or simply nonsense?
  5. We have quite a dog connection actually Ally Barkswell Bobby Terrier Calum Fit As A Butchers Dog Simon Lappindog Bobby Jack Russell Ian St Bernard John Tony Shepdogherd
  6. Blur for me are 10 x the band Oasis are Albeit Country House was a load of guff
  7. Listen MJC we are not talking about Rangers and Celtic here. You work for the daily record? Can we concentrate on the Well Bois and Motherwell FC on a Motherwell forum?
  8. Celtic banned the entire Green Brigade previously https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-67277186
  9. ffs - played 460 games so far as a professional
  10. We have had 30 shots at goal in the last 3 games. No goals So despite us imo not looking to hot, we've created enough opportunities..... I think 0-2 but I hope I'm wrong...
  11. fair enough, time will tell. He was very poor in that first half. The two other strikers are too lightweight but I still think Robinson is dangerous though.
  12. That you ruled him out then. Based on 60 minutes of football.
  13. 4-0 Rangers unfortunately. I'll change my tune if Miller makes the cut
  14. 01 Aug 2024 Termination of appointment of James Cairns Mcmahon as a director on 31 July 2024
  15. As everyone knows on this forum, especially after a few ding dongs with the likes of @wellfan about Kettlewell I have generally always been on the positive side. However I am very frustrated about what I have seen on Saturday and the negative side of Kettlewell. It all goes back to Gent really. It takes him too long to figure things out that he has seen work before. We know that in this system you need 2 positive pacey wing backs. Covered by the back 3. Max Johnston, Georgie Gent, Furlong etc. Things dramatically improved here with this system. Bearing this in mind do we need to wait half a season to see Makela? Next Wells for Stuparevic hangs them both out to dry. Any sense would have seen Wells come on for Halliday. Shifting Miller back the way. Balmer looks good. We've seen enough of Blaney to see what he can be. Nothing against him but I'd rather have seen Balmer because Blaney was poor against Clyde and nearly sent off against Partick. Frustrating. I think he is a good manager but let's speed up the train of thought please.
  16. What is really noticeable is that the "born under a well flag" facebook fan group is the entire opposite of the views on here. Perhaps a vote might have been tighter than we thought. Anyway I'll let you guess which one is me. Not many saying the offer is crap and I'm one of them.
  17. We agree again. The love affair continues.
  18. Yes you are in the same boat!
  19. Jim McMahon reads my posts and releases statements about them.
  20. Some may disagree but to make things entertaining can come at no cost option. 5 mascots from each team against the goalkeeper coach etc etc Experience of a life time for those kids too
  21. It's a very american trend. Soccer is a day out. I don't disagree with him. I think the experience can be better. (Obviously the financial package offered is a lot of crap, taking relevant positive ideas to nurture ourselves, all good)
  22. I think also when defeated a lot more people will restart or up the subscription. Considering what Barmack is putting in, above needs taken into consideration.
  23. I said this before, way way back before it all started. Not that I could have foreseen this - but what I pointed out is that a 75 year old man leading the way is a very dangerous thing. At a certain point, they will want out. Cash in the chips and leave it all behind. Therefore his influence is deliberate in order to exit and cash in on those chips. The rest are sheep following his influence. Maybe this is the first post we agree on and a new friendship is blossoming 😘
  24. We are not often still unbeaten in Europe by this stage.
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