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Everything posted by ropy

  1. I'm sure Andy Lynch played one game for us
  2. I don't think anyone needs to see me in a team photy
  3. Phone Alison at the club 01698 338006
  4. Yup, I got asked along to the team photo shoot next Friday
  5. ropy


    Big Higgy, did lots more than just score goals, his input seems to depend on whether the referee fancies him or not - this one let him get on with his game
  6. Sounds a good experience, disappointed I sat this one out, then didn't even see a stream on the night. I watched the MFCTV highlights last night which gave a flavour of the event.
  7. doesn't change it, still need 3 goals
  8. no, its HD and 3D on the red key
  9. What is the set up, does he report to Gordon Young?
  10. Was Humphrey's passback to the keeper not deflected back to him, Higdon raised has hand as if to claim for a pass back from a defender.
  11. I hate people using of, just never bothered to pick them up for it, but the campaign starts here!
  12. I see from MFCTV that it looks like Thompson had a kick at Hutch causing the incident in the box - 3 match suspension? Who do I write to?
  13. I was looking for something classier than portaloos and a man with a pallet of water bottles - it was the Olympic Stadium
  14. Can you buy food and drink in the stadium? There were no such facilities in Athens, not even toilets
  15. Did he not play against St Johnstone from the start after someone (Slane?) got/faked injury in the warm up?
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