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Big Stall

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Everything posted by Big Stall

  1. I got it this morning at ravenscraig at 7year olds fitbaw. Funny as fuck.Bunch of idiots. No doubt first team managers are going to get it whether its in scotland, spain, brazil or international. Thats just what happens.
  2. Got to agree with the sentiment if not convinced on the figure. Getting £2m+ for Bair & Hastie is laughably unbelievable. Good for us right enough
  3. After seeing how we set up & executed the last two games, im actually excited for going to Fir Park. I cant say iv had that feeling much over the last few seasons - despite being an ST holder & going along each week, it was more out of habit/duty. Long may the excitement continue
  4. Thats true. Or a 1 trick pony if he sets us in attack mode & st mirren snuff us out
  5. To be honest, i didnt think otherwise. What seems very strange however is that you are absolutley sure some of our fans hate Rangers more than they love Motherwell...... but yet you spew venom (rightly or wrongly) at the other arse cheek and dont stop to think it could be viewed in the exact same way...... A bit of self awareness mate goes a long way 😉
  6. A win would be superb, but we are Motherwell & generally when we are convinced we are moving in the correct direction we take a boot to the stones! Plus, St Midden will be set up to frustrate us. If we are going gung ho then with our defence we can expect the paisley mob to try pick us off. Still..... 3-1 to the mighty!
  7. Assume the same is true regarding your regular rants about the other arse cheek then?
  8. Its a superb start. Obviously the wins help but the turnaround in style, intent & intesity compared to what we have been used to is there for all to see. Cant get too carried away yet but its very encouraging & dare i say it, exciting! Been a while since we could say that. Enjoy him while we have him. If he turms out to be as good as we hope then he's not going to stick around long.
  9. Wasnt there yesterday but thought he was excellent on Wednesday night. Was able to follow team instructions with the press & snappy quick tackles & looked very composed on the ball. The lad is a good addition and given hes here on loan, got to assume he will be doing everything he can during game time to get noticed for next year.
  10. Absolutley superb result today. Great to build on the positive start Wimmer has had & 6 points i 4 days - yeeha! Rangers supporting mates who were there said we pressed high & they had no answer to it. Keep it up, what a change in fortunes, attitude & enjoyment. No reason to keep talking about the last guy, long live the new king
  11. Wev just skelped Rangers at Ibrox..... cheer up! 😁
  12. I thought the music when they came out the tunnel was new?
  13. One thing to add, Moses isnt our best player or a starter, but...... that formation is ideal for him coming off the bench. The guy will run all day for us, harry defenders, make a nuisance of himself & weigh in with the odd goal. Finally we might actually use players to their strengths
  14. Miller for me, never stopped running & pressing. Played some great balls our guys are just not clever enough to get on the end of. Was really impressed by Andrews and Thomson as well
  15. Much improved and lots to be encouraged by. What a difference with new instructions to play high tempo, high press and fast firm fizzed passes! Night and day from the shite previously served up. First half was a good watch, 2nd half we probably ran out of steam but certainly retreated and left a huge gap between the front three & the rest. Thought Miller was everywhere, some effort by the lad. Very impressed with Thomson and Andrews as well. Thats not to say the rest didnt do well, those 3 stood out for me. More of the same application and effort please lads. Great shift tonight
  16. Expecting a loss tonight and af the sash bash at the weekend but hopeful after these initial games, Wimmer is able to turn it around and out his stamp on it. Saying that, a win tonight would be awesome
  17. In the grand scheme of things, clown is pretty tame. Lets face it, some of his (and the rest of our defences play) has been comical.....
  18. Hes gone, he's not coming back and we have a fresh start under a hopefully better coach. No need to give him any more airtime/thought time, positive or negative
  19. But thats the issue right there. Given what his job entails, you would think he would be reasonably up to speed on every premier league team. Its not like one of us being asked our educated position on the current state of affairs at Dundee for example. Scottish football journalism has long since had a problem with amatuers just posting it in
  20. Big Koc looking at them with real disapointment.....
  21. Just had a wee look. Ketsbia hasnt managed in the UK at all. At the risk of sounding like Farage, im struggling to see what he brings to the role and how he would work with Scottish lads who may be of an inferior quality than those he has managed before. Doubtful he will have local player knowledge, even UK knowledge now. I think he was a hard cunt back in his playing days so we could always use him to knock some game into our lads, & he could hold his own with the boo boys.
  22. Agree, formation didnt change but application & determination did. We were still in the game for 70 odd minutes & made celtic work for their win. Thats a big contrast from most of the shite served up this season
  23. As much as its good to have a well fan on the wireless. Cowan is an old timer. Stuck in the past. His ideas, while they might be useful, are hardly dynamic ir forward thinking. Hopefully our new guys at the helm contunue to look outside the box.
  24. Wiki says Lowe plays 3-1-4-2 Love it, after the last 5 years dross im all in! At least if it fails it will be glorious & hopefully some fun along the way.
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