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Big Stall

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Everything posted by Big Stall

  1. ^ I don't see how we can be too annoyed at McCall. He's been here 3 years, got us a cup final, a third place, a run out in the champs league, a 2nd place and the last three months have been the best football at fir park since the early 90's. Really couldn't have expected him to achieve all that, if he goes then fair enough and thanks for everything he has done.
  2. You might find that thats what is in his contract. They did say it took a while to sign as they were wanting to make sure we would get compo and McCall could get out.
  3. Elvis got a move to Coventry a month ago did he not? Hardly about to chuck it already i wouldnt have thought
  4. I would read it as McCall listened to what they had to say and is going to have a think about it.
  5. Suppose it depends how much he raked in and if he's now ready to return to the game. If he's now skint then yes, I agree. If he's sitting with £5mill in his bank then is he going to come and fanny about in the SPL for £100k per year??
  6. Surely got to be too expensive now hes had a taste for premiership wages!
  7. Where are you getting that from? Are you suggesting McCall gets paid £125k per year??
  8. Pull out the stops, get faddy signed up asap & hope the faddy factor leads to others renewing and also a carrot for new players to come in
  9. If he goes it will be a shame, but he is going to leave at some point anyway. He might as well do it at the end of the season immediatley after signing a new contract. That way, we get the compo and the new man has a summer to rebuild. Still hope he stays right enough.
  10. McCalls not even finished our best season in 20years and the pitch forks are out already. Fucksake! Im amazed you can take those opinions out of a few articles. Heres some facts that you can draw completley different opinions from Law says he will be speaking to every club who has made him an offer next week. McCall never fails to praise Randolph. Every week he goes on about top class saves from big daz, great pro, outstanding goal keeper. McCall told all our out of contract boys to weigh up their next move on the value of regular games not just cash. Certainly sounds a bit like Law saying McCall is there for advice. Even if and its a big if, McCall was to tell him to go to Ibrox, its not as if its Ibrox or us. Hes made it clear he wont be signing for us. He wont be playing against us either unless we get them in the cup.
  11. Wouldn't like him going to Rangers, but reading the article it says he has offers from a number of clubs and he will be speaking to them all over the next week or so. Thats a far cry from some of the headlines and tweets I've read that he's going to Rangers.
  12. Last year when we had the possibility of Brugge, would have been tremendous. Easy to get to, safe, better club than us but not liable to get horsed off them I know it would be mission impossible but I'de love to see reactions both downsouth and the media and other detractors in Scotland were we to spank an EPL team! Sadly we'd need this current team to stick together and have two games of their lifes
  13. Jim was good at winning penalties, Ojamma is the top assist player in the league and runs through a brick wall for us. Ojamma everyday of the week. JOB has pish patter on twitter.
  14. They haven't yet announced the new 41-1 voting rules......
  15. Bouncers, although by the sound of it they had a good go at him too
  16. Right, my mate was talking to him at the golf day at Carluke and just phoned me. Higgy got in bother with the bouncers outside, bit of a sore face on him supposedly. He had to leave the golf event early as his wife phoned him to say reporters are camped outside his house. Of course he could be winding me up, but i'de expect a more imaginative story if that was the case.
  17. Don't doubt you, but can you actually get a night in the cells for the above? No blows traded etc.
  18. Not some fans, just you.
  19. Trying to pace myself. Is there such a thing as a tantric tommy tank?
  20. Despite the doom and gloom of budget cuts, im surprised no one has picked up on the encouraging news. McCall thinks we can keep some of the out of contract players including Faddy! Superb, I might have to have a quiet 5mins to myself now......
  21. Rumours I know, but my work colleague has a mate who works in Birmingham City Press Dept and says Randolph is pretty close to being signed, sealed and delivered. Mate of a mate I know but probably more accurate than Dazzers pish
  22. Im sure I read on here that at one of the 'well society meetings the fans were told the wage bill was cut to £28k per week for the current season. If true then thats £1.4m per year. Still needs a good war chest however to top it up right enough. Also, my point was not that JB or a lottery winner would fund the whole wage bill, just the excess required ontop of our budget to keep the team. Dreaming I know.......
  23. Completley agree with that. I certainly wouldn't pick him however if as the thread title says, you could have one player stay definatley
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