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'Wellfan 2k7

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Everything posted by 'Wellfan 2k7

  1. Has someone told him that yet? Mon the'Well! If there is ever a game to win back the Fans it's this one! we need to beat them for us to save what little dignity we have left from the past weeks.
  2. 110% Behind the Man! C'Mon McCall, Do us Proud!
  3. Any Tribute should have consisted of Clips from Motherwell, Celtic AND Sheffield! Not just Celtic! If they want to use the Death of Someone loved by Thousands Then they should just Fuck off and Never return every single on of them!
  4. It is without doubt the trip to Odense! I was on the Church of Fudge bus and although the right annoying pished folk got on my nerves the entire trip, I would not trade the experience for anything. Not to forget Hatelys Free Kick and the 25 minutes after the game party.
  5. Nah. That'll never be allowed as they would moan thats we're bullying them by not giving them 75% of our seating.
  6. I'd be hoping for us to prove our real worth. 2-1 'Well With Murphy and Forbes on the Scoresheet, Forbes' a scorcher from 25 yards. And for the Celtic goal to be an own goal by either Reynolds or Saunders.....But Realistically, I think they'll have us for supper, 5-1 Celtic Most likely. Randolph Saunders Craigan Reynolds Hammell Humphrey Hately? Lasley Sutton Murphy Blackman That would be Ideal for me! With Forbes coming on for Either Sutton or Hately and possibly and switching with Humphrey so it'd be.... Randolph Saunders Craigan Reynolds Hammell Forbes Hately? Lasley Humphrey Murphy Blackman Here's Hoping
  7. Why is Craigan Not Captain Material? Last time I checked, He took up a responsibility he didn't want for the team and is By far the most experienced player we have and one of the most experienced in the SPL!
  8. You realise that looks like the little stick wanker-man is taking a Chug over yer avatar..... Low budget porn of the Lowest Degree. But, on a serious note, I am one of those fans who would never want to see FP go But at the end of the day I its not safe to play/spectate in then it should be closed, the land sold of and a new tadium built down the road.
  9. I thought the team today was shit. And I seriously think that unless we make an effort on Wednesday night, we will be sitting bottom Six without a doubt. The only ones who even made the effort were the subs, Lasley and Randolph!.
  10. I think it's safe to say that there will be No Manager in Before Tomorrow at 3pm. I have lost track of who is even in contention for the job
  11. So it wisnae a h*n that told ye........
  12. Aye, Such a sad last memory for him. But I've been told by those who were there said that he was peaceful and happy when he passed.
  13. Too right he will..... Thanks everyone for your condolences.
  14. Because we we had that problem for consecutive seasons.
  15. ....Sadly, this morning, my Dad - Deaddogman - passed away in hospital. He wished that I would inform the forum of this, with that description. I wish to be the first to say RIP.
  16. Aye!, we'll find out it's tomorrow.
  17. I'd take Hughes in a flash because he can work with the players and has a good tactic system. Look at what he did to Hibs Last season for instance....
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