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About Emmjay

  • Birthday March 7

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Emmjay's Achievements

Attracting Interest from Abroad

Attracting Interest from Abroad (7/10)



  1. Happy Birthday!!!! :)

  2. And all you moaning minnies complain about us women complaining from time to time...!!! Toughen up, will you. Go to the toilet before you go, or buy one of those useful mini portaloos, available from JML...!!!
  3. Everybody has a price...
  4. See men???? Mens' Pigs!!! ...particularly ambitious old men...
  5. Motherwell-v-Hibs, a few years ago(when Terry Butcher was still at FP) Me(bored, and looking at the crowd)...having listened to a substitution announcement, watched, with incredulity, as the player ran on to the pitch(backwards) not having had time to pull on the team's jersey, and still pulling up his socks, "That's a disgrace, not giving him time to get changed..." Katie, from inside her hood,."Mum.....that's the referee..."
  6. You left a comment....but didn't say anything.

  7. Ask for more pocket money before you go next time Anyway, more importantly,how were the pies??
  8. That just looks disgusting. Its like a nappy filler.....
  9. I LOVE Chapmans' pies...I look as if I love Chapmans' pies as well.
  10. I can leave a comment. but i won't

  11. The creak of the willow...the whites...the perspiring umpire clad with many cable knits...the flap of the scorecards...the pavillion... FORE...!!! OOPS...WRONG GAME
  12. Ooooh...well fixed!!
  13. I want a "Where's Tammy" quiz!!
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