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Everything posted by AndyRoss

  1. Personally think the fans to ghouls ratio is a bigger issue....
  2. That was quite an interview!!
  3. If he's related to the 'Lethal Weapon' Steve Blackman then I am all for it.
  4. The general theme of shite patter means that I can't work out the facts from the 'jokes'.
  5. Seems like it I'm afraid!
  6. Prices the link above brought up the prices at rougly £55.
  7. We're in the Cabinn Metro in Copenhagen on the Wednesday night.
  8. Are you in Odense Wednesday/Thursday mate? To save me having to trawl through the whole thread could someone give me a link to book the train?
  9. Just wanted them to stay the same though mate.
  10. Must say it makes a change that a thread on here is going along the lines of sensible debate - good stuff! 'MwellHighland' made a good point in regards to programmes, food at the game, for some a few drinks in the Cooper before or after. Most of us will still go to the game regardless but will miss out on one of the above (probably not the last yin ). So will the club still miss out on some coin somewhere down the line?
  11. Basically that this is a cup game and ST holders don't get first dibs or even the chance to reserve their seat and voicing my agreement that I'd have stuck with the prices for the first two matches. Especially given that a decent number of fans (myself included) have also shelled out to support the team in one or in some cases both of the away fixtures. I know that going abroad it's our own choice but it'd be nice to give the wallet a bit of a rest sometimes - even if that is just paying £15 instead of £20.
  12. Didn't say otherwise. Just thought given the low value you'd let season ticket holders in for nothing.
  13. I see where you're coming from mate. It's daft dear to go the fitba. As for the point on season tickets - I can barely see where the advantage of having one is. Even costs to get into a silly bounce game.
  14. Wasn't overly impressed by any of the trialists I saw in the first half last night. Left at half-time because I was bored! Did the money raised at the gate last night go to Youth Development?
  15. We can all ready your posts without you making the text bigger and in bold.
  16. Had a great trip to Norway last week and really hope that all those who travel to Scotland for the game have a great time! This is of course with the exception of the result but they cosole themselves afterwards with pints four times cheaper than their own.
  17. Back at work today so need something to take my mind off it a bit. Thursday night - this game is arguably bigger than Nancy @ FP. We hold a slight advantage having scored an away goal although I believe they are more than capable of scoring on our patch. Progression almost certainly ensures a glamour tie and it has been suggested may provide funds for much needed additional faces. I cannae wait!! No gonna take a guess at the crowd but lets make sure the place is bouncing regardless.
  18. Went up just there to see if there was a chance we could pick up our ordered tops before heading off to Norway. Couldn't due to 'logistical issues'. Can't imagine what these would be but there you go.
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