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Everything posted by Stuarty

  1. What bus number you been booked on? It was as high as 15 yesterday from what I know.
  2. 7 out of 8 here aswell, 1 more for folk to get
  3. I was served in the Chapman Building at there was 2 in there.
  4. I would think they should do 1 night late, saying that these kind of stuff being mentioned is stuff that really should have been on the main official site during the week I'd have thought.
  5. Anybody confirmed the office will be open from half 9, just from what I have seen no one from Motherwell has confirmed this?
  6. Ticket office will be closed tomorrow with it being a holiday.... what a laugh that would be. Loads of fans gathered to purchase tickets and no c**t turns up. In all honesty I can see it being a long wait, as Jay has already mentioned the amount of info that you are going to have to fill in on the day if you haven't already filled in is going to take time. If you haven't filled in the form it could take anything up to ten minutes at the counter to purchase your four tickets.. What a fun day ahead for many 'Well fans tomorrow I think!!
  7. It'll be that up to date database showing through again
  8. They didn't email me either, must only be certain people they picked to email.
  9. Only 1 thing to say what most if not ALL 'Well fans will be up to....... :cheers:
  10. Heading to London in August, free taxis for the full four days we are there??
  11. I see Celtic have lost Joe Ledley for the rest of the season, hope more players follow suit and join him in an early summer holiday
  12. Hearts Pictures Some cracking pictures here, specially of the 'Well fans celebrating the goals. What a day, well worth the £23 entrance fee!!
  13. Stuarty


    Went for Sutty purely for the two goals!! Jones played well in the second half I thought aswell!
  14. All going well and getting in with footie colours, Spoons in Motherwell and then the New Century afterwards!!
  15. Any gamblers who like a wee bet get into the sweep stake for tomorrows game, £5'er a go!!!
  16. Really looking forward to next Saturday now that yesterdays game is now out the way. Fully hope we can go there, play how we have in the recent few games and we should get the right result. St Johnstone aint going to be any kind of mugs so we will have to be at our best. Really hope the weather next weekend will turn out as good as this weekend has, as much claret and amber colours showing, good match and good party afterwards. Lets just hope all goes to plan for next weekend!! Mon the 'Well
  17. Found this on youtube..
  18. Anyone know if Spoons allow you in with football colours on? Planning a breakfast and few pints early doors before heading in.
  19. Info on for the buses by the looks of it... linked with the information about breakfast/travel. Down the bottom of the page... limited seats at a £5'er a go.
  20. Where we all heading then for a decent seat?
  21. Stuarty

    Maurice Ross ?

    Clyde 1 were the people who reported this at half 5 there from what I heard.
  22. I'll be the first to say I'll be there
  23. Well moving on from today and onto next Sunday looking at heading up to Dundee and staying over on Saturday night anyone recommend any good places for food/drink on the Saturday night?
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