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Posts posted by fizoxy

  1. It's possible that getting Wright would mean that Lasley stays. I don't think he has a long time assistant that he would demand come with him.

    If its Wright, I'm fine with it. I'm not sure how much of the negative style stuff is true, and how much is just scottish football being shite, but he made an utterly boring football club that I always forget exists successful, so he has skills. 


  2. Redemption stories are nice,  but I don’t want us to be the club that gives the racist his ticket back into management during a period where players are taking a knee to protest racial injustice. I don’t think even our marketing team can pull together a portfolio for that one. He was also up to dodgy dealings with agents fees, so I’m not sure he’s a fit for us. 

  3. Mcleish, McCall and Mackay, fuck me. I hope these names are just out there to make the actual choice seem more palatable. 

    Why on earth does Barry Ferguson keep popping up on these manager lists?  Davies too, he's a head case. 

    I could see McCall happening because of his relationship with the club, but I'm definitely not for that one. 

    I must admit I don't really have a preference, outside who I don't want, mainly because I've always assumed it would be Lasley. 

  4. Hartley was toast at this level and most on here agreed. I'd have kept tait though, but he chose not to accept the contract, so not much we can do there. 

    I can't say I'd be disappointed to lose anyone in the current squad, but I don't expect a large scale clear out. We might end Hastie's loan, and loan out or come to terms with one or two, but a lot depends on whether other clubs would want our shite players.

  5. Lasley's interview hurts. He obviously cares about this club, and the players have screwed him by not even doing the bare minimum of showing they give a fuck. Hopefully we can get rid of the people he and Robinson have been alluding to.

    I have to assume that Dunne is finished with us, but hopefully Donnelly is back soon, and for the love of god, Carson as well.

    We were trying to extend Crawford before Robbo left, hopefully we just scrap that whole idea.

    Surely today marks the end of the Hastie experiment?  Maybe he will work it out somewhere else, but whatever he had in is purple patch with us just isn't there.

    Are either of Devine or Hussain close to ready?

  6. The league situation is salvageable, with or without the magic covid points because, just like last season, other teams are conspiring to be worse than us.

    However, we're in a position where our best players (for what it's worth) are most likely going to be sold or on pre-contracts elsewhere over the next couple of weeks, and we only have a couple in the squad who will be affected by relegation, since so many are out of contract at the end of the year. We are then going to try and salvage things with loan signings, which isn't going to do much to improve the commitment factor. So whoever our next manager is is going to need to be a motivational genius, or a terrifying bastard.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Goggles & Flippers said:

    What’s the equivalent of throwing a virtual season ticket on the pitch before walking out?

    Tweet them a Gif?

    I'd cancel my streaming subscription, but for better or worse, it's my weekly homesickness cure. I think the team is trying to reverse my decision to move back home though.


  8. 20 minutes ago, wellman said:

    McGuire made a difference when he came on. though he should have taken the  dead ball kicks .Polworth is going backwards week on week. 

    Backwards suggests movement. 

    if that was the players showing they’re behind Lasley, they’ve screwed him. 

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