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Posts posted by fizoxy

  1. The sun just made that up, if you pay close attention you can tell its bollocks, because its written in the sun. It's not unusual for the remaining staff to take care of the team while a club searches for a manager, I doubt we're going to wait 4 games before starting a search, and like previously, Lasley will apply like everyone else, just like robbo did. 

  2. Was mcginley even on the bench the other day? If he can't force lamie out of the team he must be worse than I thought. 

    I agree with polworth and lamie dropping out, but that shouldn't take a tactical genius to notice. Cole was rubbish the other day as well, but out of our options he's probably the best to partner Watt. 

  3. There's bugger all in this league, particularly from 5th downwards, and each team is going to have their good and bad runs. I didn't realise St J were doing so badly either, they might sack their manager too.

    If we don't get those covid points, we still have a couple of games in hand on our rivals, so a shite result tomorrow wouldn't kill us, but it would be terrible in it's own right with it being a "derby" on plastic against a team managed by brian rice. 

    A reaction from the players would be nice, I guess they got what they wanted, so it's time for them to step up. If Lasley has any ambitions for keeping the job, I'd expect a couple of personnel changes to put his own stamp on things to a degree, but the style of play isn't going to change so quickly. 

  4. We rarely go with the obvious choice, or pick from the usual suspects, but on this occasion I just can't see past us sticking with who we have internally by going with Lasley and moving Ross up to assistant. Las was apparently close when Robbo ended up with it, if I remember correctly, and he has all the badges. It is also the cheapest option. Livi went a similar route and it has worked for them so far. 

    I understand the need for new blood, but unless some experienced manager like a Steve Clark or Craig Brown type applies, I'm not sure if we will be up for the risk of a left field guy this time around. 

  5. I liked Polworth last season. He's been hopeless this season though, hardly putting himself in the shop window. Our set pieces have been terrible, which is frustrating as that's something that can be worked on.

    We are in that stage of denial where we think we're better than we are, while the teams around us know the score and are scrapping. 

    These signings that we have "lined up" terrify me. 

  6. Could see Greg Stewart, hes 30, not getting a game, and I think his contract is up in June. Ross not so much, I think county are expecting a decent fee for him. 

    Cummings looks to be going the way of Tony Watt with his moves not quote panning out, maybe we're his level. 

    I have to assume we're close to arranging some outgoings too, outside of Lang going back to Wigan. Maybe ending the Hastie loan. 

  7. It scares me that Lang is gone after next week, and White was the first choice to come on today.  If White ends up starting games, we're done.

    Overall, if I'm going to pick out the good points, I thought Crawford had a good game, and Grimshaw held his own again and was close to that elusive first goal. Watt does a really good job of holding onto the ball, and has steadily improved for us. He needs better around him though, Lang works hard, but made some poor decisions that cost us a couple of chances.

    Gallagher, O'Hara and Lamie looked relatively comfortable, although the latter was lucky with a couple of penalty shouts.  It was good to see Carson back, and he made a few key saves. His distribution makes us better too. 

    I think United should have cashed in on Shankland last year, he looked pretty shite to me.



  8. Odonnells disallowed goal was a thing of beauty. 

    We've done a better job of trying to play forward passes, rather than pissing about with passes back to the keeper. The movement up front has been better. 

    The midfield has improved as well, still some way to go, but encouraging so far. Unfortunately Robbo seems to have a knack of helping the opposition with the half time team talk.


  9. Wasn’t a terrible performance, especially considering our recent run. Neither team really carved out a chance outside of mains header in the first half, and while Aberdeen looked the better team in attack, we defended pretty well.

    Crawford really doesn’t offer anything that warrants blocking any other player in our squad. Polworth has been piss poor on set pieces for a while, and had his worst performance in that respect tonight. He does know how to win a free kick though, and saved us with an excellent piece of defending when Aberdeen broke away in the second half, maybe that’s the sort of thing pie sports like. 

    Grimshaw handled left back fine again, and almost got in the end of a chance when Cole played the ball across. I’d like to see how Cole plays in a front two.

    It’s fitting that Lang might leave halfway through the season considering he can’t finish a game. All I ask is his replacement has a first touch.

    I didn’t see much to fill me with optimism, but I thought we were going to get hammered, so I’ll take the point.

  10. So, with long looking to be out for a few weeks, are we in danger of singing someone else who can play across the front 3 in January?  Which ex player should we all clamor for? Who are we magically going to get rid of? Are any of our loan players set to do a Hastie?

    I doubt we will do much business this coming window. With the potential for Carson, Carroll, Donnelly, and maybe Dunne  returning, we may be looking to them to solve our problems. We also brought in a lot in the last window, including 2 goalies we didn’t plan for, and will be working on some contract extensions, so the best I think we will see is a loan. 

  11. Has Polworth spat the dummy yet for not starting the last 2 games? I thought Crawford did OK, but would rather we used Maguire since he’s one of ours and could surely have done the same job. O’Hara should be at the back. 

    We managed to hang on for 70 mins, but they had some very good chances in that period, and it was just a matter of time. I assumed it would be the inevitable penalty, but instead it was a stupid decision from Crawford (I think) on halfway which led to them scoring the first. We were done the second that hit the net.

    Watt and Lang put in great shifts, but we needed to have some sort of outlet.

  12. Interesting that they seem to think O’Donnell has some sort of clause in his contract, I’m pretty sure it’s just until the window, so he’d be a free agent then anyway.

    I doubt either he or Gallagher will get the exposure they’re getting now, so they might get themselves a good move out of it that they wouldn’t have got otherwise. 

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