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Posts posted by fizoxy

  1. I thought we would have struggled with the way they play, and the pitch, and the conditions, but we were pretty comfortable. Gallagher and O'Hara strolled it for me, and our midfield battled well. Watt and Lang really put the work in, and both deserved their goals. White is frustrating to watch though, really strikes me as being out of his depth.


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  2. If they're going to to to the trouble of getting in front of the defender I'd rather they just hit the ball themselves and scored.

    Tomorrow will probably be a tight game, and I'd be surprised if we strayed from the back 3. If we're dead set on Maguire being a midfielder it doesn't make sense to bring him in to the back 3, but we may have no option if mcginley isn't fit. I'd try Maguire instead of Ohara, but I don't think the manager agrees. 

  3. I agree with calling the match off. I'm not sure that I agree with the points being awarded,  regardless of how the killie players ended up infected. 

    Whatever is decided, it will be worded in a way that gives the OF an out if needed. Considering we stared the season with all this shit known beforehand, the rules for situations like this  really should have been clear and simple. 

  4. I don't think we need a poacher, that type of player needs service. I can't think of a time this season where chances went begging. 

    I've seen no indication of Lamie being out of favour, and with bevis, Gallagher, mcginley, Maguire and dunne all around, I'd be surprised if we spent there. 

    I'd agree on cover for polworth, may be money better spent over getting another forward, hopefully he doesn't spit the dummy at having to work for his place though. 

  5. I like Devante Cole, he can play across the front 3. I also like how Robinson says Devante, so I am encouraged by this news.

    It's a difficult situation with our attacking options, White has been poor and doesn't look like a fit at this level, and Watt and Long have shown glimpses, but we know that they're both inconsistent. We don't have the right front man to play along with wingers effectively, and our wingers aren't particularly good either, so it's hard to disagree with bringing in another striker. 

  6. This is frustrating, but I'm not sure how much we can do to prevent this. We can't pay anything like the money these teams can, and our setup isn't close. The best we can do is show a clear path to the first team, but even then they can prob make Motherwell first team money in these English academies. 

  7. We barely put a step wrong all game and fully deserved the result. The back 3 strolled it, and once again Mugabi was solid. He has taken advantage of the chance given to him, and whoever comes in on Thursday will have to work just as hard to keep their place. I'm not sure why grimshaw came in for mcginley, but he did fine.

    Watt and Long ran themselves into the ground, with watt doing a great job of holding the ball up. 

  8. We're good value for our lead. We've worked hard and Campbell and long haven't given them a seconds peace. Campbell has been immense. Aberdeen had a spell at the end of the half, and we need to make sure we control things and don't give them any hope.

    I'll comment my thoughts on certain defenders after the game, to avoid the jinx.


  9. He has played over 100 games under Robinson, so we probably should give the manager some credit for his development. 

    His attitude and work rate are top notch, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him get to the highest level in England or abroad at some point. Lack of height and pace are probably the reasons he hasn't moved on yet, but he's going to have a pretty good career one way or the other. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, Stuwell2 said:

    Never going to happen but with the money from DT in the bank which should help improve training facilities and help the club tick over this season, i’d use the money from Europe to sign  AC on an extended contract at about £3000 a week and three new proven players  ( 1 defender, 1 midfield & 1 striker) on £4-5k a week on two year  deals with the view to moving one or two of them on next summer to recoup the money. 
    could help get us through to the group stages - giving a instant payback -  and should be enough to get us clear of trouble this season. 

    Remember that you don't know what our players actually get paid, and also how much we are losing due to Covid.  There's no way we are bringing in 4 players. 

    The money we have now should be used to keep the club on a secure footing, then for long term initiatives, such as infrastructure, so that we can keep up with other clubs when it comes to facilities and development. 

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