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Posts posted by fizoxy

  1. Far better showing today, and I felt that we were the better team. I’ll go with the old cliche of taking a point before the game though, cos I thought we were going to get hammered.

    Lamie and O’Hara looked far better today, and we weren’t troubled by their wingers at all. O’Donnell made a huge difference, and fuck knows how Turnbull was able to play him in at center forward at some point.

    Campbell was immense and I sincerely hope he gets back what he’s put into his game. As great as Turnbull is, watching Campbell improve is a joy.

    Lang certainly offers something, but we still look ineffective up front. White improved when he started coming short, but I’m still not convinced by him.

  2. I assumed Robinson was alluding to Gallagher and Long. However he’s done this before and started with the same XI in the next game.  

    I wasn’t at all impressed by White. He won a couple of things in the air but committed way too many fouls. He did win the penalty against County and scored* against Utd, so useful sub is probably where he is right now.  I have to assume that Watt isn’t fit, and the same for Hylton. 

    Donnelly is more important to us than we all want to admit, outside of pish penalties. 

    Bevis was ok, but surely Maguire, Hussain or Devine could do a similar job? 

    My biggest concern is that of all the injuries, none are right backs, but we look weaker there than anywhere. I like grimshaw, but he’s not giving us anything at either end of the pitch right now, he needs competition at the very least.

    It’s going to be a long, weird, season. 

  3. Both teams were pretty poor, and I wasn't that impressed by Dykes after all the hype. We are so weak at full back, and we can't afford to have that if we want to play with 2 wingers. 

    Two well taken goals from us, and it's great to see Turnbull back amongst the goals, as we're going to rely on him. The goals we conceded were avoidable. 

    We need hylton to be fit, and Long shouldn't be starting.

  4. The penalty we gave away was plain stupid, then missing ours was worse. 

    We looked better with Seedorf on the right, and should have scored a few times, particularly Lang’s effort which looked harder to miss. Long should have put his chance away too. We looked the better team after they scored, but that was probably because they knew the job was done.

    Grimshaw had a terrible game, and so did Robinson. McGinley looks to have some pace  and improved as the game went on, and Lamie looked fine. Lang looked decent until the misses, and I didn’t see the red card.  Hastie was poor as well.

    Their managers hair should cost them points. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Kmac said:

    So no change to the entirety of last season with Polworth? Yes the guy can play some nice passes but 90% of the time he’s worse than a man short

    We could have won the league if we had 11 men!

  6. The January recall clause is pretty standard, and something we tend to do with the players we loan out, makes plenty of sense.  

    I don’t like how his move from us came about,  but I’m also not deluded enough to think players owe us anything or that they don’t support other teams. I’m not a football player, but if I was offered multiples of my current wage to do the same job somewhere else, I’m taking that.

    The reason I’m not particularly enthused by this move is that he was pretty poor towards the end for us and hasn’t done anything since his move, so there’s a concern he’s been found out. But he’s still young and if he can recreate his purple patch, even for a short period, he could be a good signing, so he will get the same benefit of the doubt as any other signing.

    During this period of global weirdness, bringing in someone who has only been away from the club for a year since he was a wean, who has a good relationship with our other youngsters, may actually be beneficial. 



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  7. I wonder if the club make much out of that. If a decent chunk goes to them I'd happily have a pic of me in the east stand,  squeezed into my medium electric lemon shirt from the 90s, hopefully sitting next to harold shipman or cilla black.

    • Haha 1
  8. Shite that it happened, but it’s also shite that we’re in the middle of an unprecedented public health crisis. I’m going to guess that the likes of Tait and Hartley would have been on a fair bit, and if last season is anything to go by, they would have been squad players. Sounds like communication left a lot to be desired, but in this situation I’d prefer to see the club be responsible with their money.

  9. 2 hours ago, Shotts Well Fan said:

    Could be confusing if we do have both Long and Lang in the team. Shout from the stand "hit it lang Long" or " hit it long Lang" lets hope we still play it on the ground.

    Weird that this wouldn't be the first time we had that problem.

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