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Posts posted by fizoxy

  1. I'm sure in theory we could improve every single position, but our limited resources should be aimed at the holes we have. We'd be as well not signing anyone if we can't get a striker.

    We desperately need someone that can keep defenders occupied and bring the wingers into the game, and make doubling up on them a more difficult proposition. We already have 5 players for 2 wide spots, and arguably no one for centre forward.  This also makes changing our system pretty difficult.

    Manzinga is a wild card because he just can't stay fit,  and there isn't much to judge McIver on, which means we will have to keep going with Scott or long centrally. Scott doesnt want to play there and long can't hold the ball up.

  2. That article has the usual whiff of made up shite. However, 500k would be lowball for our best player at the moment, who also has a year and a half on his deal and is a Scotland international. 

    We’re in a position that we don’t need to accept a bid unless it meets our valuation (which I’m sure has gone up since July), but I’m at peace with us selling him if that valuation is met. To get 750k for someone we just signed for free half a season ago would be some business. 

    We seem to have some promising prospects in Hussein and Devine, with Hartley, Dunne, Mugabi and Maguire in the meantime. We also don’t seem to have a problem signing good defenders. 

     And that’s Manzinga in the photie.

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  3. A lot depends on who is ready to come back from injury and whether there is anyone available (that we can afford) that can make us better. We all agree that an actual center forward would be nice, but we’re probably not the only team trying to find one. 

    lafferty will have to wait until the next window, since he signed for Sunderland. 

  4. 58 minutes ago, Spiderpig said:

    I hope the said 5 figure fee was upfront,  that bunch of tax Dodgers probably still owe us for Hastie

    Burrows made it clear on the latest podcast that the the fee for Hastie was agreed early and amicably, and it matched fifa requirements, with a sell on fee added.

  5. It's not impossible that there's more to it, but our midfield has been fairly settled and the team is doing well, so it's up to Sloth to force his way into the team. Robinson hasn't tended to rotate players to give them games in the past, and the 4-3-3 is working so far.  When the team is doing well and there are few injuries some folk are just going to be out of luck. 

    We had the same with Hartley last year, and soon one of him and Dunne are going to be the odd one out.  

  6. With Donnelly and Turnbull set to return in the second half, I’d be surprised if we signed a midfielder.  Although, if sloth goes it would open up a spot there. How do we look in midfield in the reserves? Are semple or Cornelius close?

    Defensively we have Dunne on the way back, so we should be fine there too. 

    We definitely need a striker that offers something different, and hopefully not another “can play wide or up front” type, as we have plenty of them. Someone who can keep the defenders occupied and bring our wingers into the game. 

  7. Don't know what happened to us at half time, but we were all over the place and them going ahead was just inevitable, as poor a half of football I've ever seen from us. Legitimately the worst game half of those players have had for us. Mugabe was particularly terrible. 

    We were far from convincing in the first half as well, with a big let off in the first couple of minutes, right before our well taken goal. 

  8. They missed one sitter and Gillespie made two good saves, all at a time where were were sitting in an playing more defensively, weirdly enough. Was convinced Thomas was going to sneak a goal.

    We should have killed it when Polworth was 1on1, but that aside I thought he had a good game in place of Donnelly.

    long is scary fast, and we need to find a way to exploit it more. I think he’d be a lot more effective in a 2. Thought Scott was excellent too.

    whatever Andy Rose used to do is what O’Hara did today. Don’t know if that’s good or bad. 

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