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Posts posted by fizoxy

  1. The Scott goal gets better every time i see it, he made that finish look easy. Overall I’ve been impressed since he moved out to the wing, he is very comfortable on the ball and he links up well. 

    Seedorf’s final ball may not be perfect, but he’s scored some crackers this year and is no doubt being encouraged to shoot. There’s also the run he made to the byline in the first half where he breezed past two players, maybe he could have squared it to cole, but he scored a goal from there in the cup and it took a good save to stop him. I’d rather have him in the side creating those moments than keeping him out until he’s perfect. He’s going to improve with experience.

    Hylton isn’t much different, but I think it would be harsh to bench Seedorf for another unpredictable winger. 

    I see cole getting some stick on Facebook (surprise) and I’m not sure why he’s being singled out. He’s doing a good job of holding the ball up, has good movement, and was denied by a good block from the keeper. There were also two or three occasions where he was free to be played in and the player chose to shoot instead. It’s disappointing that there’s always the need to pick the worst out of a good run/performance. 

    • Like 2
  2. Scott went off injured did he not?

    Campbell and Polworth were excellent today, and Maguire took his chance to start well.   St Mirren did squander some really good chances, and Gillespie had some good saves including stopping one with his face, so I wouldn’t put this down as a particularly great defensive performance, from open play at least.

    Robinson likes to talk about being brave on the ball and taking the extra touch and I think we saw that today. We very rarely punted the ball long, and we showed great patience in the first half, which comes with confidence. 

    I don’t think we’re missing a whole lot going forward, we’re scoring plenty of goals, many of the highest quality, and distributing them across the team which is always a good sign. The front three are moving well and are pretty solid when receiving the ball, and we’re making chances. I could see Cole and Long switch, but I’m not sure that Robinson is going to change much when we’re playing well and winning. 

    It will be interesting to see if we stick with the players in possession of the shirts, or if we tweak things in two weeks. I think carroll is back but Donnelly still has one game left in his suspension.

    Overall it is great to be on 16 points already, and we still haven’t fully gelled. 

  3. If it’s going to be an annual thing I’d assume that the class each year will be tiered, i.e. it won’t necessarily be top five all time going in this year. Maybe it will be split into generations or the like. Also, since there’s a dinner attached to it there will be bias toward players who are still with us, as seeing them speak and accept the award will be a big selling point.

    I agree that pettigrew is a good choice and a popular one.

    I hope this is used as an opportunity to teach our support about the greats of the past (pre 1991) as we don’t tend to do a great job of that.

    • Like 1
  4. This. Every single top flight team could do with a prolific striker, and every team passed on him. The same goes for English teams. Plenty of players are prolific in the championship and never make the step up. 

  5. Looks like a definite red from the spfl highlights.

    Further observations from these highlights are that Stevie May is shite and chose to dive rather than take a tap in, Murray Davidson just dives and nothing else and there’s a reason he’s never left St. Johnstone. The penalty was a joke.

    interesting that the highlights also show the high tackle on Seedorf. That could be a compliance officer thing, it was a terrible tackle and Seedorf should have made the most of it.

  6. 36 minutes ago, steelboy said:

    Hopefully this is the time for Sloth to step up or questions are going to be asked about what exactly is going on. 

    Don’t you think O’Hara or Maguire could be in line to step in since they were on the bench and sloth wasn’t? I’d like to see Maguire simply because he’s one of ours, and I would like the mystery sloth storyline to continue.

  7. Listened/partially watched the game while running the St. Jude 5k. My “fuck sake” at cole’s miss wasn’t with the spirit of the occasion, but jeez that was a bad one. My connection went just before the goal, but we made some decent chances in the first half. The pen looked soft, and you just expect Gillespie to save those now. 

    We ended up needing a bit of luck to hold on, but hold on we did and that was a great 3 points and an excellent response to last weeks disappointment.

    I didn’t see the red, was it legit? Also, how was ilic?

  8. Tait missed a game due to illness, then we won 3 games in a row, and we (rightly) kept the same line up because of that. It will be interesting to see if we change anything after the loss.

    Grimshaw is pretty poor in the final third, whereas Tait puts in a decent cross. Neither are that good defensively. Carroll has been pretty solid, but is guaranteed at least a yellow every game, so that needs to be fixed. Can see Tait back in at left back (Robinson was raving about grimshaw on saturday)

    I’m not going to judge the players that haven’t got in the team yet, because I can’t pick anyone out of the last four games that I would have replaced beforehand. It’s hard to make an argument for anyone to drop out for either sloth or Manzinga, so they’re going to have to wait their turn, it’s a long season. Scott has adjusted well to playing wide, and as such is keeping hylton and ilic out.

  9. Gallagher’s goal shouldn’t have been disallowed, they had at least one handball in their box, and Carroll’s second yellow looked very harsh.

    However, we just fell apart after our goal. County had the run of the middle of the park and carved us open on the flanks multiple times. I don’t know if we should have maybe shut up shop after our goal, but to go up then lose at home is just criminal. In general they were better in possession than we were for most of the game, and we lacked invention going forward.

    O’hara sold the jerseys for their second, but grimshaw is really suspect defensively. Up front Cole looked like he’s improving, and Scott played well. Seedorf wasted some chances, but that’s going to happen.  

  10. We capitalized on some hearts mistakes to make the game pretty comfortable. Having the pace we have is going to give us the edge in scrappy games like this.

    Cole and Long both had great chances which the keeper did well to stop, but we really need to be putting those away. Gallagher and Donnelly both had some good long range efforts too.

    Thought we handled McLean (who always scores against us) and Ikpeazu (big but shite) well, but we relied on hearts poor form on a couple of occasions where they really should have scored. Gillespie made some good stops too.  Polworth and Campbell were excellent.

    Overall we were  the better team and it was nice to exorcise that cup debacle. 

    I wonder who will be the first to come for robbo out of hearts and hibs.

  11. I don’t think there’s anyone in the current lineup that I’d want to be left out, particularly due to our last performance. It will be interesting to see how the competition in midfield plays out as the season goes on.

    I am surprised by the lukewarm reaction Polworth has got so far, as I think he’s been excellent. Maybe it’s more a case of him being under the radar due to the wingers taking some of the headlines, and maybe that’s a good thing.

    That would be a shame if Hartley turns out to be injured, after finally forcing his way back in and performing well, but I was thinking more along the lines of Dunne being the player that Robinson alluded to since he was dropped for the last game when he’s hardly been terrible.

    oh and it’s a weird feeling knowing that we have just peaked in the player name stakes. We are never going to beat Bevis Mugabi.

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