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Posts posted by fizoxy

  1. It’s good to have some stability, especially with our model and the need to overhaul the squad almost every year. 

    The manager gets all the blame when things go wrong, so it’s only right he gets the praise when it goes well. He has tended to revert to the percentages based approach when things were hard, so he has to get credit for switching to a more attacking style to turn our season around. 

    He has also been involved in 3 overhauls of the squad, which I don’t think any other manager has had to do here. So for the sheer number of signings he’s going to have some duds in there, but I’d argue his success percentage must be up there.

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  2. We said we had two wingers lined up just prior to the seedorf signing, and the videos of ilic suggest he plays most of his games as a left winger, so I don’t think we need to worry about him taking playing time from livingstone or Carroll.

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  3. It seems we have Johnson and Scott who are designated as strikers only, and cole and long who have been described as strikers/wingers. Then hylton who is purely a winger.

    Johnson didn’t fit into the front 3 setup last year, so I’m wondering what changed there. 

    I think we need another striker who can play up top alone and one more winger. This gives us competition and something from the bench.

  4. Exactly this. Regardless of how minor the knee thing might seem to us, he hasn’t had a single injury issue in his short career and now has to have an operation on his knee for something he didn’t even know was there. He was a few minutes from guaranteed millions and now he needs to somehow focus on just being able to play this year. Seeing the Tanner situation play out can’t be encouraging either (Tanners injury may have been more serious, but he had issues arising from the op).

    I think he will get through this fine, and from the outside it seems the club is well equipped to support him through it, and he seems like a mature 19 year old.

    One question I have coming out of this is do clubs do these scans on healthy players to catch issues early, and if not, should they?

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  5. Not sure why anything that was said means he’s finished. He seems to be making progress, and the club says he’s close to full training, which only puts him a couple of weeks behind the rest fitness wise.

    Whether he gets his form and confidence back, and whether it affects his ability to play at the top level once fully fit, no one on here can possibly know at this point. So to say he’s done strikes me as being negative for no reason.

    Im proud to support a club that takes this kind of approach, taking care of a player who was injured on our watch. It is the right thing to do.

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  6. He’s not doing full training,  but is making progress in that direction. Burrows said as much. He started running on grass just before the end of last season, and is kicking a ball now, so some progress, but after being out for nearly a year and a half it’s going to take time.

  7. Mainly just shots at MFC for not knowing about the injury, or knowing but keeping it secret from “the boy”, and being tinpot because we don’t do comprehensive medicals at the end of every season. They definitely don’t know who he is and aren’t bothered in the slightest that they didn’t sign him, and are not spending their day being all knowing medical professionals on twitter.

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