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Posts posted by fizoxy

  1. I have to assume that there is enough interest from other clubs to prompt him to hold out for better offers.

    I agree that we should have just released the statement to say we accepted the bid then left it at that. Fans are going to moan either way, that’s what we do, and they should have waited until things were signed and sealed before trying to justify it.

    in relation to that, I have found the comments from Burrows, Wilson, and our friendly journalists about how great a deal this is and how lucky we are, and why we should be grateful,  to be really cringeworthy. I don’t think anyone has a huge issue about us selling our players, in this case the issue is who it was to, the timing,  and the manner in which it was communicated that pissed some folk off. 

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  2. A moat would be great for preventing pitch invasions, and we could have floating advertising signs, like a more laid back version of those annoying as fuck electronic ones with cars on them. I’m sold.

    Now looking forward to the exclusive in the sun.

  3. A higher budget doesn’t guarantee success, unless we’re talking about out-spending the city clubs, which we can’t do because you can only spend what you have. We also tried that and the club almost died. Our player budget should always be a percentage of our regular income. Gambling the clubs existence for a slightly better chance of finishing 5-6th isn’t sustainable.

  4. I don’t think we have to do anything with it in the near term (unless there’s some critical repairs or upgrades that have been put off). We rely on the well society for extra funds when things are tight, so this would give us some security for a few seasons.

    I could see a modest increase in the wage budget, but we should be basing that on our general income to stay sustainable.

  5. I’m going to guess that most clubs who can afford 3 million plus probably see their development system as better than ours. The only slight glimmer of hope for a loan back is that it looks like multiple clubs are interested, so someone might bite now to make sure they get him. I’d also guess that loaning him to us might result in less add ons.

    I’m pretty sure that he’ll be gone by January at the latest, but I think selling him now contradicts our model and messaging. We’re all about “it’s better to stay here and develop instead of rotting in the reserves at a team we don’t like”, but if a good fee comes in that whole development schtick goes out the window.

  6. Robinson just said the standard stuff, i.e. coming here to compete, adding competition, etc.

    Haven’t seen the guy, so don’t really have an opinion on him, seems to have a fair few games under his belt at least. We need competition in that area, so hopefully this pushes Livingstone to take his opportunity next season.

  7. St Johnstone came to sit in and try and nick something, and if Kane wasn’t shite they might have. However, we persevered and found a way through their banks of five.  Says a lot that they were parking the bus, we weren’t firing on all cylinders, but we still strolled it 3-0. I think some folk are failing to grasp how big a deal that is, with all the talk of changes that need to be made. 13 of the 14 players on the park for us today are responsible for the crazy run we’ve been on since the cup game, they all deserve credit.

    Main was instrumental in two of the goals today, and his hold up play was really good in the second half. I liked how we stuck to our plan and didn’t resort to punting it into the box, which lead to three really well worked goals. The counter attack for Frears almost second was clinical.

    Dunne strolled the game, and Aldred was Aldred, their partnership allows us to do everything else. 


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  8. When we were playing wing backs I felt we needed someone on the other side from Tait, preferably on the left. However, we’re now playing a different system with two more traditional full backs, so that could also be a factor in the drop of assists for Tait.  Grimshaw is also playing well at right back. 

    Add to this the small concern of who Tait would be assisting, he could put crosses into the box all day, but other than Moult he hasn’t had the benefit of a striker who is capable of heading a cross. Bowman and Main have been two of the worst penalty box strikers I’ve seen in a long time. 

    Any Motherwell player is prone to bad spells, but Tait has played on the left most of this season and is up there for player of the year, so I don’t know if we’re going to find a better left back on our budget.

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