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Posts posted by fizoxy

  1. Robinson was pretty clear that he was going to persevere with the new system, and many of his comments alluded to it being a mistake that he played Johnson over main.

    However, if the he is truly unhappy with the forwards, and if the position is genuinely “up for grabs” then it is possible we could see either Sammon or Scott in there. We’d all prefer to see what Scott can do.

  2. I’d love to see livingstone, Campbell, Turnbull, hastie and Scott all in the team, but it’s not happening. To be fair,  I’d be all for putting their names down first for every game that’s left and seeing how it goes.

    Based on the managers comments, Scott might not be a long shot though.

    What I expect to see:


    Tait Aldred Hartley Dunne 

    McHugh Campbell

    Ariyibi Turnbull  Frear


    However, I’d like McCormack to get a fair bit of time in this one so he can lob the keeper.

  3. Some singings haven’t panned out, but there are too many factors in play to make this a black and white issue. I think this is also on Martin foyle, who is our head of recruitment. Was foyle responsible for moult? (And Blyth, fletcher)?

    keepers - no faults there, solid.

    kipre - no doubt one of the best signings we’ve made in a long time, but he was second choice to another trialist. He was signed as a project too. A lot of luck here.

    tanner - freak injury, but before that he was in and out of the team. I like him and think he’d be a great fit in this new system, but a lot of folk are going to be disappointed when he comes back.

    bigi - great signing on paper at the time, but have to question the management on this one since his defensive shortcomings must have been clear when he was scouted. However, a good manager knows how to use talents like this. 

    dunne - took a gamble on someone he knew, but had come back from horrible injuries. I think we’re all in agreement he is a good one.

    aldred - fucking love him

    Hartley - we tried to get him before Robbo, and at the time of getting his contract we were all over the moon, so unfair to judge this one with hindsight. He will be fine after a run of games.

    mbulu, petravicius, Newell - all signed as projects and the manager admitted as much.  Newell’s contract is a joke though.

    Fisher - pretty popular signing at the time, looked good against us and has done alright since leaving, albeit at a lower level. 

    Donnely - seems to be an up and coming NI player, but can’t stay fit. Don’t know if it’s bad luck or just how he’s made. 

    Johnson - scores goals apparently, but is pretty poor in his all round game. Most strikers know that there has to be more to their game thesedays. Still like him though.

    Hendrie, ATS, Plummer - we clearly aren’t scouting left backs.

    Gorrin - we had Turnbull, I don’t see the point in this one, poor decision.

    rose - solid enough, but signing him for half a year to be nice was a poor decision.

    sammon - needless, Scott can do what he’s doing.

    McCormack- costing next to nothing, low risk/high reward.

    Ariyibi - we’ll see, but on the face of it the right kind of signing.

    For a lot of these you have to question the process, not results. Unless there is an overlooked medical problem we can’t predict injuries. It is also hard to gauge who can handle a move to Scotland, both personally and adapting to the league.

    So based on that I think it is fair to say we have recruited badly at full back, and don’t seem to know what we want in midfield. 

  4. I think it is clear that our plan is to tread water while we pay off the debt, and the board may be happy with scraping by in 9th or 10th place in the meantime. The thought might be that we’re essentially developing a manger, in that by the time we have a little more money to spend Robbo will have a few years experience and a squad that he’s built.

    It may also be that the board don’t think that the job is an attractive one because of this remit and the small budget, so it’s not worth the cost of paying off Robinson and hiring a new manager from a limited pool.

    His interview yesterday sounded like he was telling the fans that he’s meeting (exceeding?)  the boards requirements. Which is fair enough, if they have given him targets and a strict remit, and he’s meeting it, then he has every right to feel that he should keep his job.

    However, I’d argue that while it is well known that the manager can put on a great training session, he’s done nothing to suggest he has the tactical knowledge to make a team of limited talent passable.  He openly questions his own decisions in interviews, throws his players under the bus, and he cares too much about the criticism he gets.  His interview yesterday certainly had a “beginning of the end” feel to it. 

    Too many people at our club talk it down as well. The facts are we are one of the biggest clubs in the country, due to our history, support, and the fact that we’ve been in the top division for a very fucking long time. We’re talking about punching above our weight while Killie, St. Johnstone, and Livingston are sitting above us, and we have a manager saying that he’s the messiah for getting us to a couple of cup finals when we’re not that far removed from successive 2nd place finishes and European qualifications. I know seasons like that will come and go, but our supporters are perfectly entitled to want something better.

    I don’t know if there is an option out there that will get us more points between now and the end of the season than the current setup though. For a manager to be available to us now they would have to be either unemployed, untried, or employed but affordable. We would also have to bring them in a lot quicker than our last few attempts.

    I’m genuinely interested in folks ideas of who that person could be, because all I can see is the likes of Hughes, Hartley, et al. Thank fuck Presley took the Carlisle job.

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  5. He has a point in his interview regarding the time it’s going to take to scrap the old style of play,  and I’m happy he’s going to persevere with the new style, but I’m getting tired of his “no excuses, I’ll shoulder the blame, now sit back and listen to some excuses”  interview template.

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  6. That was terrible. It looked like we just stuck the two new guys in and hoped they’d figure something out.  Frear was a relatively bright spark, but I spent most of the second half seeing if I could spot anyone I know in the crowd on the telly. 

    Johnson is pretty much a poacher, and the reason most teams don’t have poachers any more is that they do nothing else. Main on the other hand is a wrestler, but more Iron Mike Sharpe than Hulk Hogan.

    It was nice to see hastie get on the scoresheet, I feel bad for him having to come back to this, but hopefully he’ll keep getting chances.

    County we’re just organized enough, pressed properly,  and had that little extra being an underdog in the cup gives you, but this loss was 1million % * on us.

    * copyright Chris Cadden.


  7. I think we should play the Bielsa 3-3-3-1.

    Mainly because I hadn’t heard about him until yesterday and I like the cut of his jib, and it would be a hilarious contrast to our philosophy so far, and our players run into each other anyway.  Let’s win 4-3.

    Aldred Hartley Dunne

    Tait McHugh Livingstone

    Boly Campbell Frear


    I don’t even know if that’s how it’s supposed to work, but lets just enjoy ourselves.



  8. The following are all out of contract this year:

    Mbulu, McHugh, Cadden, Frear, Grimshaw, Bigi, Gorrin, Main, Livingstone, Maclean, Maguire, Gordon, Turnbull, Hastie and Scott. Most of the reserves are, but I just added the More prominent ones. George Newell too.

    I think it’s a given that Main, Bigi, and MacLean are going to leave, and I’d be surprised to see Gorrin after this season.

    When loaning our Maguire (and Gordon and Hastie) the chat from the club was so that they can “kick on” in the summer, so I’d assume we’re offering them something and that we’re confident they’re going to take it.

    I think both Cadden and Turnbull are gone, and we’ll just have to see what comp we can get.

    Frear, Grimshaw, McHugh and Mbulu could all be interesting. I’d think that Robinson would be all about keeping McHugh, but don’t know about the others.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. We all love giving players stick, and part of it is sucking it up when they get one over on us. Tearing out seats isn’t the correct response.

    The last thing I want to see is the sterile atmosphere you get in the USA in sports like baseball where any hint of showboating is vilified. Antagonists like Imrie keep the game interesting. If players want to act like dicks or dance like twats, that’s fine by me, makes it sweeter in the occasions we win.

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