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Ballso last won the day on April 25 2018

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About Ballso

  • Birthday 05/11/1982

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Reserve Team Regular (4/10)



  1. There’s a consultation out just now about remediating a large proportion of the untouched land to make it brownfield site. There is also further retail units been mentioned more recently.
  2. The rail freight hub plan was rejected by Scottish Government planning, with no appeal submitted as far as I know
  3. There has been a regular bus service going from Motherwell town centre, up via Jerviston and back in a loop via Windmillhill Street for over a year now. https://www.spt.co.uk/media/1odkttib/service__92.pdf
  4. It’s not you know, unless you ignore two years ago!
  5. Yeah I do get that, but the insinuation was that they would immediately benefit financially.
  6. You do realise that the board don’t personally make any cash from this don’t you?
  7. Four weeks ago Derek Weir was still CEO as I’m sure you know. Andrew had left a week prior so Jay may have made a simple mistake.
  8. To put this into context, Nationwide recently agreed a deal to buy Virgin Money. I'm pretty sure it will have been their executive board, or a firm contracted by them who will have led negotiations before taking a deal back to the wider board for approval. All that happens before VM shareholders will have known anything about it. This suggests that the way our situation is being handled is not unusual
  9. The five on the executive board were the current three (McMahon, Dickie and Feeley). Other two were CEO (burrows then Weir) and Andrew Wilson, who have now stepped away. i’m pretty sure the 5 Jay references was at the time of his posting.
  10. Slavia Prague also drawn at home potentially on the same night which won’t happen. If that’s the case, one game will need to move.
  11. Here’s the stats to show you up. A very strange hill to die on btw… https://www.soccerbase.com/players/player.sd?player_id=15230&season_id=137
  12. Can you give clear examples of what optics and poor decision making AB has been guilty of? Not a criticism of you, just a question.
  13. If only we would use the proper colours more. I’ve noticed more often now that we’re using single coloured crests on a lot of strips and training kit.
  14. On that basis, we’ll have nothing to worry about given we’re not under an SNP controlled council then? Why is it not a good sign then in your opinion?
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