What about that bald Jambo in the Main Stand as well who spat the dummy BIG TIME? Ball went out for a throw in and this fat lad (who had a wee boy with him and was old enough to know better) got hold of the ball and as Saunders sauntered over to retreive it from him, said bald baby, launched it on to the park with a petulant throw that was a true 'toys oot the pram' moment that must have been embarrassing for every other Jambo in the ground.
I'm sure I saw Saunders pishing himself from where I was sitting. Needless to say, bald baby and small boy left ground shortly thereafter. In my mind I like to think the wee boy, mortified at his dad's behaviour, told the bald baby he was going up the road for being an arse and dragged him there by the lug, skelping his erchie all the way there