Spot on. Got what we deserved in the end imo. Bottled it as soon as we scored. Sadly, don't have any confidence that we could take the lead gainst the OF, home or away, and see it out to the 90 like so many other 'provincial' teams in the SPL can do.
I have made my opinions on Fraser known on another thread. The worry is Craigan and Lasley picked up injuries, Ruddy is still out and Lukas, for his own benefit, needs to draw the curtain on season 2009/2010. We could be really understrength going up against Dundee Utd on Sunday.
Rather perversley at least this win keeps Cetic out in front in second.......and keeps Utd away from it. The Euro dream lives on.
At the moment, based on the last three performances and the very difficult games coming up, and despite usually trying to think positive, I can see 6th becoming more of a reality.