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Everything posted by well_said

  1. A former work colleague of mine was at high school with Andrew Dallas and told me that Andrew came to school every day wearing a Motherwell scarf. I had a customer at that time who is a Celtic fan , a very good guy until any conversation got round to football and then his inner paranoia kicked in big style and he became a different animal. One day he said Andrew Dallas was a h*n bastard like his old man and despite me trying to assure him that Andrew was a well fan like myself he would not accept it as all non Celtic fans were h**s anyway. That's the kind of thing we're up against in this part of the world unfortunately.
  2. Waiting for the recall from Celtic when Rodgers walks/gets sacked.
  3. A disruptive divisive character who would cause mayhem at our club. People can point to the trophies he won at Celtic but anybody could have done that with their budget and lack of competition in Scotland at the time.
  4. Wood is quite expensive nowadays.
  5. And yet experienced professionals in our team have had a go at both of them in matches recently for mistakes made . The same experienced professionals that have been responsible in the main for our results this season.
  6. I can't remember what game it was (might have been rangers ) but O Donnell done the same to davor for giving the ball away. Pot, kettle, black in my opinion.
  7. The key word in your post is Celtic.
  8. He falls on his backside so often i thought he was in his 80s
  9. Furlong is an upgrade of Gent and that is no slight on Gent , although it took our manager a long time to realise he was worth playing.
  10. The SPFL and sfa don't give a damn about the fans.
  11. I hope it's not as many words as his manager .
  12. Spencer would probably have contributed more if he had been played to his strengths IE . Right hand side of the pitch. Gent should have been played earlier Biereth has been good but would have been better with a decent strike partner.
  13. My daughter has just started collecting these and there are quite a lot now out of stock, and we are hoping that anyone on here has any of the ones on the list that they would be willing to sell. Moult McDonald. Coyne. McFadden. Phil O Donnell. McLean. Cooper. O Neill. Captain Kirk. Wark. Ainsworth. Arnott. Hammell. Lasley. Angus. Pettigrew. Many thanks
  14. You're forgetting that all the officials are against them.
  15. I was a bit of a goalie in my youth , and I was the rubbish bit. Goalie gloves were not a thing then but playing on ash pitches and mould master balls were . Goalies have it easy nowadays.
  16. Goalie gloves are so much better now to enable them to catch the ball better. I suppose it makes a difference who is wearing them though.
  17. That only leaves Wilkinson, bair and Shaw for bench cover with no experienced defenders or midfielders. Bare bones indeed.
  18. I was slated on another thread for saying Kelly was bang average . I now admit I was wrong. He's worse than that.
  19. The best manager in my time Tommy McLean signed loads but he was savvy enough to offload them fairly quickly.He also signed lots of gems. The transfer window makes that almost impossible nowadays so it makes it vital that as much research as possible is done before signing players.
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