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Everything posted by well_said

  1. I've said it before the guy is not incompetent ,he is just a cheat masquerading as a referee. Seen too much of this imposter over the years to think any other way. Seems to hate us with a passion.
  2. Not me, but Dunne had a very decent game today.
  3. The problems arise when the rules are not applied to both teams on the pitch
  4. It seems we have got under his skin, which takes some doing with the amount of fake tan/make up that the CLASSLESS PRICK uses.
  5. What the team should do is start the game normally , but the first time the ball is in our box the nearest player should catch the ball and put it on the penalty spot and all the players including the goalie and go and sit in the centre circle . Think of the world wide publicity this would receive.
  6. Sorry but there is no way I will ever set foot in that vile clubs stadium ever again . To pay over the odds to be stuck behind a pillar and be treated in the way that all away fans are treated in that place is not for me .I vowed a number of years ago not to attend any games there so this is not a reaction to the last week's events. I don't think it will make any difference how many fans are there because we will be done over again as the baws burst in our game as the corruption is rife in the game as witnessed this week
  7. Sorry but I don't know which media outlets you read or watch but in my opinion the compliant scottish media have forgotten about it already. Now if this happened to the unwashed there would be wall to wall coverage and 8 page pullouts we would never hear the end of it.
  8. This guy has f####d us over so many times its very hard not to think he has ulterior motives
  9. Video evidence will never happen as it would mean all teams treated fairly ,and we as all know that that would be a distinct disadvantage to the bigot brothers.
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