Have to say I like Stevie's interviews, comes across as passionate, sounds like he has a vision for the team and is under no illusions of the task in hand.
Because none followed the Lyon model,patience, good wages, buy early, sell under contract. The Rangers model of throw enough at it and see what sticks is unsustainable
I liked his 'cheat code' patter and 'it just proves Motherwell are our bogey team'
His vid has over 1k views, don't think any of Burrows 'interviews' got over 100
I've had more than a few drunken phone calls from him, his cousin and I have the same name. As fond as I am of Psycho the player, psycho the ex-player is now a blocked number
One of the worst for berating mistakes and players instantly, it goes from 0-10 very quickly, no one is questioning whether we have arseholes in our support, we have a reputation for getting on the team's back quickly