I'm a season ticket holder - it provides a ticket to the games that Motherwell play - no more than that. I also prefer it as it hands the dosh to the club at the start of the season.
When i buy it I know that they and the SPL will fuck about with some of the fixtures during the season and sometimes I'll have a weddin, funeral, christening, holiday, ilness that gets in the way of me attending. However as far as I'm aware I'm still alive and none of my limbs have fallen off to date - due to said fuckin about.
Folk are getting a wee bit delusional about what their pounds actually buy them at this wee club of ours.
They're trying something different, with the SPL and the other club involved on board. It may or may not work - if it works great - then they'll do it again - if it doesn't then I suspect they won't.
I admit that there are more obvious ways of getting punters through the turnstyles. But I'm not throwing a mediterranean grief scene because we've moved one game to a Friday night. I haven't even looked to see if it conflicts with anything I'm doing yet - however I'm not in the slightest bit pissed off about it.
And btw when I buy something out the shop - I get that item in exchange for the cash i hand over - its purely voluntary. I don't expect a seat at the table at the next board meeting and a say in how the club is run in exchange for a 125th Anniversary shirt.
When I buy a CD - I don't expect a guest slot on bass on the next tour either.