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Steve Diggle

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Everything posted by Steve Diggle

  1. Nobody's really saying that the kids tickets aren't a good idea. In fact most agree that they're a good one. Folk are basically talking about adult prices.
  2. I think the conversation has highlighted again, the opportunity for a more flexible ticket option for some folk. A 12 ticket book - with a per march price between yer ST price and yer PATG price. To be used at any standard priced games.
  3. Folk are having a decent conversation and you want to return to your finest hour (the one that caused you to flounce for 10 mins) for no real legitimate reason. Stop being a c**t for fuck sake
  4. I think football on the whole is too expensive, but agree that cutting admission prices unilaterally would unfortunately be suicide. It's a catch 22 on a major scale. The SPL as a whole need to share more of the football income. Work on initiatives together that will broaden the viewabilty and sellability of the game - joint initiatives and investment on playing surfaces. Increasing gates on TV games. Getting back to having healthy away supports to add to atmosphere etc etc. These are all pipe dreams tho. I think there's a point on both sides of the argument. Yip, football is too expensive (for the regular dude going to a game) but there's not a thing to be done to reverse it any time soon
  5. I think overall its good news given the climate. Just the way the numbers have been presented looks a bit 'New Labour'
  6. I'll be there alright fud boy! You going? you guys are fallin apart at the seams - we're still selling season tickets - get yer arse roon and guarantee premier league fitba for yerself for the season. Your mob are fucked
  7. Aw naw - he's back! How's it going MTJTs?
  8. To the tune of the Maros Klimpl / Beach Boys tune Oh what have you done? Oh what have you doooooooone? John Sutton Oh what have you done? That's if he hasny scored a brace in the first 10mins rite enuff
  9. nah! I'm totally at it. haven't a fuckin clue why anybody could find anything up with that. Whoever complained should have gone to earsavers
  10. The song most definitely - it's just no' right is it?
  11. I hope the guy doesn't read this because there are obvious racist connotations.
  12. What? James Forrest over Jamie Murphy? Aye? Really? Fuck me! I fuckin despair
  13. Setting aside the mythical Dundee Utd stuff aside - it came about quite clearly when a lot of them were pulled into the squad for one game in particular - I don't remember which. The squad after call offs etc ended up including 5 or 6 Dundee Utd players. One of which was big babyheid. Thats when it started and it stuck. That's how things happen in football. You shag wan sheep . . . . . Jamie Murphy should be in this squad due to his form over the final months of last season and aside from the Killie game on saturday - his form pre-season and on the opening day has been decent enough. I can see arguments as to why maybe overall he might be coming up a wee bit short. However when the manager is once again including players that haven't kicked a competitive ball - then questions are justified. These guys have short careers and when their form merits inclusion they should be included ahead of reserves and players relying on their form 4 seasons ago. And btw - Gary kenneth dreams at night about being half decent. His inclusion in any squad should have resulted in police records for those responsible. In threads like these I sometimes feel I shouldn't post - because our resident celebrity Tartan Army members give out that air of superiority & infallability - But fuck it - thats what I think
  14. The answer to the question is:- 'play for Dundee Utd'
  15. I agree with this Steelboy - I think there needs to be clearly defined sections with the majority of space being for people who are up for standing. And if someone wants to sit there should be a decent section set aside. Anyone who argues the opposite needs to look at the away sections when the OF come to town - sometimes their fans standing / singing to a man is like a goal start. I often wonder what they must think at kick of when they all stand and roar while we all sit on our arse
  16. To be honest I haven't seen anything that would fill me with despair either. i'm prepared to chill the fuck out and see what happens if the wee man gets a run in the team. I hope he does the business and gets the support that might make the difference in the process. It's good when a player comes through and makes a go of it.
  17. We all make 'em Pidge - the hope is that some smart arse disny catch it. To be honest I had read your post and missed it 1st time round before OTF pick it up. Nice one tho - liked it.
  18. Wonder what kind of reception the big guy will get?
  19. What about a puma tiger? OK a puma lion? What about a puma puma?
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