Any time we played at swinecastle in the late 80's and early 90's. Myself, my two brothers and a couple of lads from Shotts got into the habit of meeting in the go-go bars in Bread St, Bridies in particular. Started off just the five of us but at it's most popular there were as many as 30, a mixture of 'Well fans, a few Jambo mates, pals that didnae even care about football, even some girls that we were friendly with at the time. It used to be rammed in there and without a lie everyone was blootered before 3pm. It was surreal, even had the strippers doing things wi Motherwell scarves! Always missed the start, always got a row off the polis and always had a thumpin sore head by half time, always pissed doon and we always got beat. Ah, fond memories