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wellup83 last won the day on January 7

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About wellup83

  • Birthday 07/01/1983

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    Fir Park

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Pushing for the First XI (5/10)



  1. As kack as the blue side of Glasgow evidently are. That's another phenomenal effort from the lads today. While it's still early days and we should all keep our feet on the ground we should also all enjoy the remarkable turnaround since MW's arrival. The players have been let loose with tactics and a strategy that they all understand and it's clear that each and every player knows their job on the pitch. Enjoy your weekend Well fans. I know I will. COYW SIWY
  2. The last two games have been difficult to choose. But I'd agree the Sparra wins it today.
  3. He's old news now. It's sad how it ended but the club will be in a far better position for his reasons for leaving then Stuart Kettlewell will. How can he possibly take on another managerial role in football after the reasons he gave for chucking it? He's thrown himself under the bus in my opinion.
  4. From assistant at Old Trafford to the reins at Fir Park. Bring it on
  5. Need a manager in quick. Hopefully a tactician with a game plan which will see us become a side that can take the game to the opponent rather than the reactive, passive guff we've been watching for too long now. I've got faith in the players and believe there's ability there but we're currently rudderless and look like a team who don't know what they're supposed to be doing.
  6. Callachan is a valuable member of the squad and will make sure the boys are looking sharp with fresh short back, sides and fades before K.O. 😁
  7. Thought Sparrow was very good but Armstrong just edged it for me. Put in a great shift and gave the Celic defence something to think about. Pleased he got his goal.
  8. Welcome to the Well, Luke Plange.
  9. Personally I would like to wish Kettlewell all the best for the future. I don't believe for a second that his family have received direct abuse from our support but at Stuart himself will be a different matter. That surely goes with the territory as unfortunate as it is. It sounds more like an excuse to deflect from the situation on the pitch to me.
  10. Get Shane Blaney tf. Needless corner. Not good enough
  11. I'd be thrilled if he stayed until the summer tbh. The transfer market has been unusually quiet so far this month but there's a while to go yet. Maybe we'll see a bidding war come the windows close.
  12. Sitting watching the Dundee derby. Great match, end to end and loads of drama. Exactly what a cup tie should be. Dundee one up and getting battered but fighting and scrapping for every ball. Great match.
  13. So glad I didn't travel up there. Always 99% sure of disappointment. Absolute garbage. Another season of do enough to stay in the league.
  14. Absolutely bossed in every department. They have more skill, desire, fight and nous than us all over the pitch. We can blame it on injuries to key players all day but one thing's for sure, this watch and others over the last month have been awful.
  15. He had an argument there in fairness. Clear pullback on Wilson on the edge of the box
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