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Everything posted by Inthebasement

  1. Do you remember how good oj was against hearts at fp?That's how pish this thread is. His stint last night was fine, never seen him look 'disinterested'. He tries too hard at times.
  2. The team put in a gritty performance tonight, but the boys at the back of the stand were world class.
  3. No analogies are necessary really. Nevin had a budget. It was set by Boyle (his boss). He stayed within that budget over his time at the club. When Boyle decided to take the club into administration, Nevin resigned as staff would be losing their jobs and it would have been wrong for him to stay on as a top earner. Admin was boyles fault and boyles alone, the anti-Nevin stuff is junk, has been for ten years. Worst of it is he's clearly a decent guy, he played well for us, and he's one of the few Scottish journalists whose career is not based on harping on about the OF. Boyle isn't really the type to come out publicly and take full responsibility for his errors, he probably should have by now. But what he has done for the club over the past ten years makes up for it in my view. He, unlike Nevin, had the option of sticking around and fixing the mess (cause he's loaded) - and he did that.
  4. Can only agree with the majority above, McCall doing a great job and has full support. When he leaves it will be because he has been offered a bigger club, that much is obvious. Sorry to say that the saddest element of this season has not been the loss of late form, but some fans expectations and intolerance reaching new and unrealistic heights. We have seen it with Higdon, Hatley, Humphrey and McCall, and we have seen it with poor fan responses to key games. Sure reality will kick in soon, though obviously I hope not. The 'Ranger's old boy' pish you hear about McCall in the East stand is sickening. Also think the loss of form has been mainly down to injuries and suspensions rather than 'bottle', and in particular the destabilising loss of the Las/Jennings partnership for key games. Still think we'll limp over the line, most likely on the last day - potentially another huge game in the club's history, should be a cracker!
  5. Nope you've got me there Really? Fans stayed in the pub for the rangers game - below average home gate for a chase for second place crunch game. And were you at the game today? The team have just scraped one point from the last nine. Maybe you could be more specific - what don't you get?
  6. Hatley is miles better going forward than defending, don't understand these comments. He has some bad games but his delivery justifies his place. Think fit again Saunders will steal his place at RB no bother, but Hatley could yet make a quality right midfielder in a 4-4-2. We were awful in first half today, and miles better in second. We managed one passing move whole first half. Second we dominated and passed quite well without really forcing a save. Oddest element was the absence of a right midfielder in first half, really until murphy was moved out there last twenty. Will the bammers shouting at Clancy consider how difficult it is for a right back with no right midfielder? We reverted to our worst end of last season form at times - punt to humph the only plan, chances of him trapping the ball, beating his man, crossing to the Higgdon head, higgdon getting it on target - ten million to one. Reliance on that plan makes us a very poor side. Highlight was law's second half - couple of amazing passes to humph and great finish to get us out of jail. Both the team and fans dejected since we went out the cup, it showed today.
  7. Evenly matched, fair enough, I think the evidence suggests we are a better side. CB is good at stopping teams losing, but they haven't really started scoring goals yet. We have goals all over the pitch and from the bench now, and it's gaining us wins even when the team is playing quite poorly. That aside, if we are evenly matched, and we're at home, wouldn't you be inclined to give us the edge, albeit it's a close one?
  8. Genuine question - do you think Aberdeen are a better team than us?
  9. We are a selling club and need to do regular business, that has an impact on what we can command. That said, think Murphy is a 1-1.5m prospect and we should really get that for the work we have put in, and also because of the players willingness to hold out for the right move rather than bolt at the first rise.
  10. Inthebasement


    Is anyone else a bit confused as to how this kid has even happened?
  11. I think someone said it above - OJ will be the difference. Well by a margin of two. So much looking forward to some atmosphere and Hearts/Rangers bashing I'm going to rough it in the East.
  12. Inthebasement


    Yes we have. Or you could call it 451, the distinction when you play it like we do doesn't mean much. One striker, two advanced wide players.
  13. Inthebasement


    Early impact is one thing but I can't remember a better string of individual performances from a Well player. The guys not been lucky, he's deserved every goal, taken for tough positions, and a Tannadice should have won a pen and an assist for a brilliant flick to put Higgy clear. Very optimistic about what this kid can do for us. All of that said, is that us given up on 433 now?
  14. Christ, maybe he's telling the truth and wants to finish out a great season as a first teamer with a club he has an affinity with? That what we always hope our better players will do, rather than jumping at the first offer from a bigger richer club. Murphy = good guy.
  15. Bang on for me, and I'll be surprised if this isn't the approach tomorrow. Plus Daley was too poor in Dundee to risk starting, he'll be nursed back. Us to win 2-0. This board to go into meld down next week arguing about whether Higdon should come straight back in.
  16. What a performance with 10 men. Sitting third again and we look to have turned a corner. Brilliant signings on a shoe string - goals tonight from Law and OJ. Bold subs - OJ starts, Murphy off and Humph's form managed superbly. Something about the spirit McCall has brought to the club persuaded players to stay close season that ordinarily would have left. We continue to benefit. Is there something about the amassing of points that sections of our support don't get? When is our manager going to get the credit he deserves for an outstanding first year or so at the helm? Brilliant individual performance tonight.
  17. Quite sure McCall has been around long enough to put a moronic thread like this in perspective, but it's still shocking to see a title like that at the top of our board. Grow up and get a clue forfucksake. Did you think we would just always win games from here on in? No bad spells? Cheapo signings amazing every week? Does a bad run prove our manager's 'limitations'? We should be happy to be in top six, and we will still finish 3rd.
  18. Higgs just. Higgs = straight into the team, endured dogs abuse while being played 30 yards from every other player, scores a packet. Every saints fan warned us when we signed him he should be played in a two and would toil on his own. They were all correct, but he seem to have overcome this issue to the extent that he still looks like a donkey all the time but has taken enough of his chances to make it work. And that's it really, for all his immobility he has an eye for the bottom corner of the net and it is difficult to tell which corner he'll place it in. Sutton had a purple patch but was an inconsistent 'confidence' finisher. Also think Higgs gets less than he should from referees up here, he'd get more in a league where most teams have big strikers. Sutton = a bit more mobile. Brilliant effort and attitude every time he was picked. The fact that more than one manager preferred Clarkson says a lot though, Sutton's stock went up to very quickly when he scored a few goals because he looks the part and had a quality sibling, but he is a very limited striker. On Higgs, I think he has suffered for the fact that we have no appropriate striker to suit a formation which had us in second place. I understand McCall's persevering, but we now need to try 4-4-2 at home with Higgs and Murphy up front. Also a few other variants available, we have loads of formation options with our present squad. Today the perfect day for this experimentation as we can't lose
  19. It could have been a broken brick on a string, it 's what it represents that matters. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course, but is this the context to take up aesthetic criticism? Surprised by the negative comments on this thread. Think it looks special at night, and love the dragonfly/ family sentiment. Adds a lot to the ramshackle charms of Fir Park, and another reason we should fix her up and never leave her.
  20. I think this is a fair concern. In theory, it could be used that way, but In theory all criminal legislation is capable of being broadly applied and you could theoretically be put away for any number of things. Ask yourself why either the government or the judges would suddenly want to put people away, at massive expense, for behaviour which no one presently gives a fuk about bar a few stewards. Governments just want votes to retain power. The Ranger/Celtic thing got really embarrassing last year and ended up all over the UK press - documentaries, front page stories and so forth. The SNP hate that sort of publicity its bad for business, and they like votes. So they put out an electorate pleasing piece of legislation aimed at sectarianism in football. Once its passed, the government will expect it to be used against its intended target, or senior police will be taken to task. This bill is one part of a social/political backlash against sectarianism - UEFA suddenly fining Ranger and Celtic for songs is another, Hugh Dallas getting fired is another, Rangers tax bill is another.... just pick up a paper. They've been getting away with it for years, leave them to stew in their own juices.
  21. Oh, great point mate! I can't resist it - why do you think this bill is introduced?
  22. Sorry John, but are you actually taking the piss? It doesn't say sectarianism in the title?? This is the definition of 'offensive behaviour' at section 1 of the bill: (2) The behaviour is— (a) expressing hatred of, or stirring up hatred against, a group of persons based on their membership (or presumed membership) of— (i) a religious group, (ii) a social or cultural group with a perceived religious affiliation, I know there are people all over the media and internet saying that the bill targets football and has nothing to do with sectarianism. Guess which institutions with a hell of a lot to lose those guys support? Read the definition of offensive behaviour above - familiar? Is this something Well fans should fight to protect? I've had a go at expressing an alternative view there's no point in starting up individual arguments. Ultimately, if your view is 'The Police are really bad guys, so we shouldn't have any new laws, they'll be even more bad' - there's nothing anyone is going to write on here that'll make any difference. But for Christ sake be honest about where your support lies - this bill is self evidently designed to give the courts (not the police, they can arrest anyone for breach of the peace anyway) a higher level of sentencing against sectarian bigots. Next time the scum turn up at FP with their usual bile about Oirish history or the Empire, remember that at the only time the issue got so high profile that a Scottish Government had the balls to do away with them, you joined a campaign to oppose it.
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