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Everything posted by Inthebasement

  1. Keep the faith in Forbes - doubters should take a look at Charlie Adams career progression. The truth is the SPL mentality doesn't have patience for midfielders whose game is based on their passing range because they tend to require an extra few moments to assess the options and end up looking a bit lazy or off the pace when they get closed down. You get more credit for the easy pass, or the head down run into the defence. But these guys are one of the most precious commodities in football when correctly developed/positioned/protected. We easily played our best football in a generation in McGhee's first season, but there is still a tendancy to big up Clarkson and Porter's contribution rather than the vastly more influential Steph Hughes. In a couple of games under JG Forbes showed phenomenal passing ability that won't have gone anywhere. IMO he remains the highest potential young player of Flamurtari pumping generation, though he clearly has a confidence issue that more direct players like Murph and Slane don’t suffer from. I think he can take his chance, also think that if McCall has decided against persisting with Brown’s extreme reliance on pace from wide areas to create chances we could see some decent football from a midfield with all three of Jennings, Lasley, Forbes.
  2. DosserJoe, not in any intending to pick an argument, but you state throughout your post, as if it is a matter of fact, that an expanded league would result in a more competitive league at the top end, and that a ten team league will make things even easier for the ugly twins. What is the basis for this view? I honestly can’t see any reason why this would be the case. I am also highly sceptical of the proposals by the way, and think the only way forward for the SPL is for the diddy teams to group together and fight back against the Old Firm by forcing through a truly redistributive proposal. They have made it a matter of public record that they consider the league beneath them and will leave given half a chance, but they are unwanted elsewhere. This provides the diddys with a perfect hand that they may never have such a strong opportunity to play. It is disgraceful the way in which Heart’s play off proposal, (one of several proposals with the potential to energise the SPL), was so easily swept aside by the Old firm establishment and media just by repeatedly stating that it is ‘ludicrous’. Here are two other equally ‘ludicrious’ proposals which get plenty of support because they suit certain parties: 1. The champs league can be won by a team who finished third in Spain. 2. Two team from Glasgow want the right to be champions of England.
  3. The references to a breach 'the spirit of the SPL rules' in JB's statements/TV appearences means the lawyers advised there is no actual breach of the rules, in all likelihood because of the absence of a written contract. Today's statement means there has been a compensation agreement between the clubs with confidentiality clause. It may frustrate some not to know the details but it is how these things work. Therefore looks like Well have fought their corner in a professional manner, got the best they could out of it, and now want to move on. The 'shafted' stuff in this thread is pish, we let our feeling be known at the time but there’s no point in crying about it further unless we have a legal basis.
  4. Brilliant, balanced and dignified statement from the club. It's no wonder they keep trying to emulate us - they simply don't get it. We were murder to watch under Brown anyway I'll be over this by the time I finish my coffee. Give us an entertainer JB. Mon Well.
  5. WC 2010 style - Ruddy Corrigan Craigan Deloumeaux Hammell Alan McCormack Hughes Ross McCormack McFadden O'Brien McDonald
  6. Forbes passing range gives him more potential than any of our current youngsters, and Slane too in my opinion. We saw what he can do early season, he was dropping perfect balls all over the park. When the boy reads through this rotten thread, he'd do well to note that 'Reynolds to Bayern' is the next topic down on the list - another player whose long and ongoing development has involved countless 'he's pish' comments on this board.
  7. Voted for Murphy for outstanding second half, but was tempted by Forrest Humph who has incredible potential for us with his pace. His ability to go from fast to blisteringly fast is gold dust - if he can improve his decision making we'll be talking about the fact he is eligible for Scotland. No one else in our game can leave a full back behind him like that. What a run, mon the Humphrey.
  8. Scotland without hesitation. Winning the world cup could transform this country, and produce a hangover detectable from space. Because of the pish that surrounds us, having a straightforward national identity is part of what being a Well fan is about (for me). So by voting for Scotland, I vote for the Well. It's quite deep.
  9. I'm told by a colleague that knows him that Jeffries is a gent, and twice as funny as you'd imagine. That said, no thanks. Not Boyle's style anyway. It's plain we should give J&V til summer and assess it then. Craig Brown is a class act and deserves at least that chance.
  10. Cannot believe the 'legend' comments above, Gannon has behaved appallingly over the last few weeks and has shown neither respect nor concern for our club. I was sold on the Gannon revolution and unlike many thought his tactics were good, albeit in evolution. However, his arrogance in press conferences; disrespect towards senior players; spats with key players; spats with the refs; doom laden chats with the BBC; and refusal to accept responsibility for performances, have made it clear he has no long term future. It now emerges he has been touring the houses down south, we can't be surprised. The turning point for me was the team selection for the Celtic game, coming just after fall out with the refs and the press. No one can argue that a game against Celtic in front of the cameras is the right game to hand out debuts to youth players. Yes we played ok in that game, but the selection was egotistical and attention seeking - it was a statement to the TV cameras about what JG stands for, or what he had to work with, or something. It clearly was not the best team to put out to try and get a result in a big fixture for Well. He should have been slaughtered on here for that, and in my opinion too many consider siding with this prick to be a progressive/optimistic/visionary position. We would all like to see the Arsenal years at Fir Park but there comes a point you have to smell the coffee and reassess. We have found ourselves in a bit of trouble with a guy who has clearly decided the job doesn't suit him, and not for the first time Boyle has shown pretty decent timing in making a move to get us out. Our new manager will easily have enough quality to keep us up (IMO) and a transfer window to work with. Time to get behind the club and take a half decent crowd to Tynecastle for a game we can win. Mon Well.
  11. Realise this won't be popular but to my eye Gannons game was working a treat until the fallout with O'Brien - easily the most important event of our season. O'Brien was the only player with the technicality to receive the ball from the comfortable passing about the backline/deep-midfield phase, and take us into more dangerous and pressurised positions. He was brilliant for this early season and made us a dangerous and watchable team. Now we pass it about the back, and whoever receives it in more advanced positions either loses it or gives it back to the defence, and we put ourselves under constant pressure. Only hope we can replace him, and although I don't doubt Slane has great talent going forward he has not got this element to his game.
  12. Ruddy Smith was a classy shot stopper and had great presence when on form, but was suspect at cross balls and simply hopeless at kicking, which is unforgivable in a modern keeper. If he was asked to deal with Gannon style passing across defence we'd be bottom of league. Marshall was so so and passed his best. Goram - you have got to be joking - a fat liability who'd get injured bearing his own weight. Ruddy looks like the best all rounder we've had over period IMHO and will probably reach a higher level than any of the others bar Goram in prime. Corrigan Deloumeaux Craigan McMillan Corrigan on form was best defender of Well decade so no worries there (Quinn - haha). The problem is Craigan - obvious quality in tackle, positioning and in the air, accompanied by howler moments and second division levels of distribution/comfort on ball - why we've managed to keep hold of him despite great qualities. Needs class beside him, I've gone for Deloumeaux who was happy with ball and never put a foot wrong for Well in my memory, albeit he never did much after leaving us. If I was to swap in Reynolds and hope for his better form it would be for Craigan. I like Hammell but he's another with an unbalanced game, McMillan was quicker and better for team overall. Never got the affection for Patterson he went from mince to alright then left. Leitch Hughes O'Donnell Surprised by the absence of Leitch and Hughes in most teams. For me the first season McGhee team, particularly with O'Donnell, was easily best of decade and would tear any other Well team of era apart. Key elements were Hughes on form and given space, and McCormack's versatility and class. Stick Leitch in there to enforce and give anyone else the ball, we have not had anyone else as tough and steady. Mcfadden McDonald R. McCormack McFadden because he is genius. McDonald best touch and finish by mile. McCormack had intellect and ability to interchange with other strikers and could cross as well as shoot. His performance at Easter Road was best of decade' including Faddy, total class when on form. Sorry Clarky/Porter, not quite holding a place in this company. Could swop in Spenser for MacDonald in an arsehole for arsehole subby. Really, Pearson, for what?
  13. More than any other player Hughes was the reason for 07/08 IMO. Not my very favourite well season but the highest level I have seen us play, we were ace. I think he'll do well at Norwich no bother - very best of luck Shug.
  14. Model professional, Bellshill Bergkamp, Well legend. All the very best we'll see you at Hampden.
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