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Everything posted by Inthebasement

  1. "Disabled most complex slingshot at registration. CATTLE - wellcome! " Well they talk a good game.
  2. Agreed. It was great having Mcfadden last year but if we were honest he was never more that 60/70% near his best. I am expecting him to get better and better as he plays, and if he re-finds international level form by Christmas there could well be serious interest.
  3. Cheers. Hope we are not going to persist with last years shape despite having a radically different squad. Any variation of or present squad in a 442 leaves us far inferior to last year. Interesting to see the starting line up on Sat.
  4. Did we go 3-5-2 tonight when ZFA came on? If so who player left wing back?
  5. What a signing! Was gutted to see the exodus unfold and thought we were going to get no reward for the progression Well have made over the past five years. But we are seeing the fruits of that progression again and again this close season. We always did alright out of wind-down internationalists but it is amazing to see us get them at an age where they remain contenders for the Scotland team. Also not convinced this is a temporary plaster for losing Hutch, he is a prize asset with an increasing value and will only be encouraged to extend his deal with a chance to play alongside a Mcmanus. Watching Humph and Murph has made our support obsessed with pace. It would be nice to get some, but there are more ways to win a football match than the sometimes one-dimensional (mainly 2010/11) reliance on pace we have displayed in recent years. I would personally rather have Vigurs and Faddy than Murph and Humph - a lot less pace but a lot more composure and technical ability. Despite comments on MFC TV from the manager along the lines 'don't read too much into our shape against doncaster' I suspect we may fail to bring in a consistent and pacy first team level right/left winger this season, and will instead move to a three/five at the back as a default tactic. This will allow ZFA to bring width and pace to the team without sacrificing hammell, who is easily good enough, and old enough, to give up the wing play and settle on the left side of a back three, or perhaps even as sweeper. It will also allow us to play Vigurs, Lawson and Las as a capable but not so mobile central three and two strikers with Faddy in the central and free'd up role he deserves. Take a look at what our bigger rivals are trying to get exited about this close season. - guy's they have barely heard of with OK stats in lesser leagues.
  6. Can't believe there's grumbling in the ranks today of all days! If these signings come off we can call this preseason a triumph!
  7. Brilliant signing - quality and cult potential!
  8. Agreed but we live in hope. Surprised you have benched Schwarzer though.
  9. McCall to swan back from his hols, blow the ginger fringe from his eyes and casully complete the signings of Vigurs, Schwarzer, Miller and Faddy.... Did Vigurs feature much in central mid last season or just from the left? Not sure where that leaves Faddy, unless he remains keen to play as one of two up front (as was his preference early in his career). If he is to play as a striker we would need some pace beside him, not Higdon/Miller? Or we revert to 4-2-3-1? Vigurs interest now on the BBC site.
  10. Higdon wasn't impressed with what sorry?
  11. Yes please. Also like that we are back in champs league.
  12. I hope Harkins is true, could be a great player with us imo. Don't think there is much between Harkins and law if we can get the best from him. Talented and positionally flexible. McCourt a big risk, could go either way. Doubt he is Mccall's type of player as couldn't press a chocolate button.
  13. Probably a fair shout.
  14. If that's aimed at me, you'll note I recognised his acheivements in my posts. Why does it have to be good guy / wank? Gannon was a nutter BUT he brought a lot of good players to the club. McLeish got second BUT he dismatled a good team and left us weaker than he found us. Are these not are recognised legacies of these managers? If we are left near teamless by a manager who says himself he inherited an excellent team, is that not a relevant factor to balance agaisnt his league acheivements? Genuine questions...
  15. Two things he could have done: 1. Punted a few of the players with one year left and reinvested in the squad to avoid the whole team going ooc at one time; Or 2. Taken the hit last year to keep our team together, then stuck around to rebuild the squad. Looks like he has gone for 3. Take the hit then bail in the middle of contract negotiations with the ooc players meaning, by their own admission they will be as well to move on (possibly to sheffield). I like mccall and hope he stays by the way, that's kind of my point.
  16. 'Laying the blame' would be harsh i think, i'm not really looking to do that. I think he did a great job on balance. My point is that the particular timing, and state we now find ourselves in, has to impact on his lagacy. He has been saying for the last two months that he woulsd stay, a few of our out of contract players would stay, and a few would leave. Looks now like he and they will all leave, and that leaves us in an extremely vulranable. He bears some responsibility for that shift. Cheers for the negative rep by the way (whoever it was), you want to back that up? Is everyone meant to post the same thing?
  17. Anyone else struggling to maintain the 'best of luck' line here? I agree mccall has brought us some success in terms of league placings and has been a great fit in terms of our community drive and so forth - he's a decent, genuine and honest guy - but the timing of this couldn't be worse. He is leaving a vastly inferior squad to the one he took over. Isn't that how managers ask to be judged? Last year, I think most of the support were behind the decisions taken not to punt our players with only one year left on their contracts, not because of league placings but because we wanted a decent team to go into the champs/uefa leagues with, and maybe thought we had a tilt a decent cup run too. As everyone of value leaves the club however, those decisions start to look like the short-termism. We got pumped in Europe and in the cups, and are left with a massive rebuilding job and a manager negotiating personal terms in sheffield, and right now we are as as likely to be fighting relegation next season as the europa group stage. I can't help but feel let down by that. Mccall took a big gamble with our squad and now doesn't fancy the tough bit. Sheffield is hardly a unique opportunity in a managerial career, whatever anyone says, and it would have meant a lot more if he had the stomach for a years' rebuild. Fair enough, if he goes, that's football, and of course he is entitled to cash in while his stock is high. But it casts a shadow over his time here that we are left in such a mess. If we now lose our manager and every out of contract player through 'sinking ship' syndrome, and whoever takes over fails to throw together a competitive squad, I guarantee we will not be looking back so fondly on this lopsided season, during which lost all our big games without scoring but showed enough league form to get everyone a nice move elsewhere.
  18. The way mcghee touted himslf about in his short time with us was a real let down. One good year with a team he didn't build and he's since been found out. Would very much oppose his return. Personally think that connections to England is a prerequisite in our next manager - we can offer talented players down there an alternative route to further their careers - Boyle saw this and it has been a huge factor in our success over the last decade.
  19. Think McCall will stay - he's just signed a new contract and it's only Sheffield. A bigger Championship club could still come in however. Higdon's bags are packed and good luck to him. Can't help but think he's going to find himself playing as a single striker / target man again though - we were warned by the St Mirren fans that this wouldn't work for him and it remains a problem in his game.
  20. Not encouraged by these statistic suggesting we'd be swapping the best keeper in the spl for one of the worst - http://sport.stv.tv/blog/209452-which-goalkeeper-has-stopped-the-most-shots-in-the-spl-so-far-this-season/
  21. By the time o'brian left us he was playing a complete link up role from a central position and was the sole creative spark in a very differently functioning team to the one we have now. He was pretty good at it and was probably our most important player. Sorry but anyone insisting he was pish is blind to the game, as someone said earlier the manner in which he transfored his game while with us was extraordinary and he could be brilliant to watch. When he didn't play or didn't play well we were goosed, i seem to recall some awful game at hamilton when this occured. I also recall him getting called a 'useless tinker'' a lot from the stands - the same morinihos that spotted higdon's potenial no doubt. Fuk it though, OJ all the way, unless we are an awful lot worse across the board i think he's going to be the main man next season.
  22. Thanks for this helpful post. I note you voted against the proposals but nonetheless admit to a softening of view - if it was a straight choice between the status quo and the new proposals how would you vote?
  23. Can't help but think 'a lack of leadership' is one of those things that get trotted out when a team fails to perform. Who is to say las isn't leading the team - we're second in the table! We struggle to break teams down which sit in on our narrow pitch, and given our attacks are as much about pace as skill we can look pretty clueless trying. Leadership won't alter that it's the nature of our game at the moment. Agree that las has dippen in form this season, but surely that's down to the break up of his partnership with jennings.
  24. Wasn't at the game yesterday but this sounds nothing like the Humphrey I've been watching this season. He has been generally excellent and much more composed and game aware than in previous seasons. Also never a player i would call disinterested. Was he getting service out wide?
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