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  1. I have a feeling that I am going to get more involved with this forum now that I seem to be able to post. WATCH OUT NUMPTIES! Which may include my younger nephew - Del Boy is OK.
  2. I don't see what the problem is calling him 'a wanker', 'a sheep shagging b*stard' or other versions of the same, but 'a fienian' anything is unacceptable (although not particularly horrific), but 'a paedo' bears no relation to acceptability. If it is true, it is despicable making any reference to it. If it is untrue (which I would imagine is the case) then why the fuck make the chant? We have a lot of undesirables in our support, as do most clubs, so why the fuck do we allow them to sully the good name of MFC? Can we not identify them? Surely we must know who the fuck they are, and tell them to get to fuck? They must not be allowed to darken our doors again. I can never understand the mentaily of the sectarian arseholes who use vitriolic language against the opposition whilst singing the praises of those in our team who are of the same religious belief. We have had many Catholics through the years, supported by the whole Well support, so why the fuck should they attack those in another team? Think about Uncle Phil. A good Catholic man and a Well Legend. If you sing about criticising Catholics you are having a go at Uncle Phil. Think about that, you Arseholes. I'm sorry if my comments get moderated, but I am pissed off by our numpties. (I cannae get used to which frigging buttons to press).
  3. Anybody remember Kerr ?????? I have no objection to any player wanting to secure a financial base for his family and good luck to him. But, if he wants a football future and participation in a higher level of football i.e. Europe, is Hibs the right place? I'm not saying we are, but Hibs? He has been a decent keeper, no more, no less. He had potential, but he never really showed it, did he? We have Fraser and I think he will be supported by another loan keeper who will be happy to sit on the bench and take a chance on getting a chance. Don't think McGhee will take 2 keepres to challenge for the number 1 jersey. One will always be hacked off - not a good idea! No. 1 plus a chance - that's not a bad situation for a team like the Well.
  4. welcome aboard!

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