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Everything posted by dinnae-punt-it

  1. I suspect that Taylor has been brought in as cover for Marv, because he tends to tail off after 60-70 mins, and tends to suffer from niggly injuries. I still think we will see another midfielder before the close of the window based on our previous persuit of Bolger & Irvine i.e. A more defensive or box-to-box midfielder.
  2. Ripley for me with honourable mention for Laing.
  3. Awww jesus, I hope not......hate Samson! As Melvin says, cannae see the logic in that one.
  4. I'm quite surprised that the management still haven't got a goalie in, you'd think it would be one of the main priorities. As it stands we are going into next season with last seasons No.2, which just isn't right. Hopefully good things come to those that wait, but seems a strange one not to give a new goalie at least one pre-season game (to get to know your new team mates).
  5. Haha, your welcome. Misrepresentation is just a bit of a bugbear of mine. Didn't mean to offend.
  6. You should get a job in the Scottish media circuit....because that isn't what Flow said: Alan Burrows ‏@Alan_Burrows @Del1589 Not yet mate - Hoped to have another in before today's game but that's not going to happen now; more likely next week. To me that means it is going to take a bit longer, but hopefully next week; certainly not that it's fallen through.
  7. Keep up Geedub, Morgyn Neill was freed at the end of last season and now plays with Livingston, so he wasn't talking about him playing for us.
  8. It would be good to have a summer where there wasn't a will he won't he saga, however if it works out for the best then I suppose it is worth the chase.
  9. Craig Samson is worse than murder....terrible keeper.
  10. Alan Burrows ‏@Alan_Burrows @Del1589 Not yet mate - Hoped to have another in before today's game but that's not going to happen now; more likely next week. 12:40 am - 18 Jul 2015 from Motherwell, Scotland
  11. We actually have 4 strikers....Moult, Clarkson, Fletcher & Moore. Nevertheless I'd still like Skippy.
  12. I have no idea how we will do. My heart says we will be back in the top 6, my head says we will be murder again and finish 10th. The two pre-season games so far have done little to persuade me we will be better this season. We are still 3 or 4 good players away from a decent team. We need a good defender, midfielder and goalkeeper, and until I see what caliber they are, I'm going for another tough season. Hope IB proves me wrong, and we see a fitter, sharper team who presses hard and breaks fast.
  13. Quite clearly you should have gone to specsavers. Tickle Pickle is absolutely right, Josh Law is player immediately behind (boots, tattoos on right forearm, etc).
  14. That looks to be the guy to the right of Lasley (our left) in this image: https://scontent-lhr...920&oe=5627DF76
  15. That's the point, it is easier to know who it's not than who it actually is.
  16. Plus he signed a new contract at Plymouth recently.
  17. Not convinced, as his hair style and hair line look significantly different, but not impossible.
  18. He's also older looking than Morgyn and wider than him physically.
  19. I'm quite familiar with what Morgyn looks like, and I simply don't believe it is him.
  20. It's not Josh Law, as he is one to the players right.
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