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About Faddyisgod

  • Birthday 12/24/1986

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Pushing for the First XI

Pushing for the First XI (5/10)



  1. I can’t agree with that. The referees in European competition are far superior to Scottish referees. They also definitely make less mistakes. VAR is much better utilised as well.
  2. I have two spare kids tickets if anyone wants them tomorrow? Face value.
  3. I went when I was back in Scotland last season. I think it was only on trial then. Was really good I was very impressed!
  4. Why is Dickie still on the board if he was appointed there based on being elected on as TWS rep? Surely if he resigns from TWS then he loses the exec board seat?
  5. I would imagine 1-2 teams might break the 35 point barrier looking at the fixtures though. I think every team plays 2-3 of the other teams around them so as long as they are not all draws then if one team goes on a run they could in effect win 2/3 “6 pointers”
  6. Does anyone watching abroad ever have issues with the official stream from live.motherwellfc cutting out every 2 mins? literally is happening every game for me now. I have tried to change web browser but hasn’t helped. Happens with all the players.
  7. Yes that’s what I get when I click on the link but just says live audio before clicking on it.
  8. Thanks I can see that as well but it only says live audio. Previously I am sure it said live video. However when I click on the link it says live video for overseas subscribers and live audio for UK/Ire. Is that the same for you? My overseas ST that I have paid for still says that live video is available for H and A games but I know that the SPFL have now removed this option for UK subscribers.
  9. Is the game available on MFC TV for overseas subscribers live? Can’t see it on my login page as yet.
  10. http://www.motherwellfc.co.uk/2016/07/21/club-statement-scott-mcdonald-2/
  11. I don't post often and last posted a number of years ago. However I felt compelled to post having been home for Christmas and attended the game today. Excellent performance and the youth players that played and came on were outstanding. Proud and surprisingly excited about the future of Motherwell FC
  12. I haven't posted on here a long time but I just wanted to say that I have really been enjoying the podcasts and I have listened to every one. Also the podcast with the new owner has inspired me to sign up to the well society as well so keep up the good work lads!
  13. Why is Shaun Fagan escaping everyones worst team? A terrible terrible footballer!
  14. Ha aye and Bob Malcolm was a stand up member of the community!!
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