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The Skipper

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Everything posted by The Skipper

  1. Killie must be relegation candidates given the players they have lost and the new manager.
  2. Surely it's an annual contract and as such they are paid monthly regardless of whether the season is over or not. I wouldn't imagine holiday pay is terminology used in the contracts.
  3. Statistically safer than driving your car mate and the prop planes are really good.
  4. Those 'hats' are minging and should only be worn by fishermen
  5. His insinuation is that Hearts and Motherwell did not try due to some imagined allegiance to Rangers. Hearts have massive injuries and we have one eye on the final which is a different scenario than the one he is suggesting.
  6. This man is a cretin and does not deserve to be the Manager of one of the big two in Scottish football. I truly hope they don't win a thing this year and he gets dumped.
  7. Get Craigan tae fuck! He's a weak link and was responsible for at least two goals against Rangers. None of this 'old heads' pish. He's too slow, can't jump and will ultimately cost us the Scottish Cup if he plays......IMO
  8. How can they split the ground 50/50 though? If we don't sell all of our 50% that could mean that Celtic supporters would be offered tickets beside some 'Well fans who have bought tickets in an area they wanted to sit in but isn't full.
  9. At first glance the following were missing. Billy Campbell John Goldthorpe Brian Heron Kirkie Lawson Jim McCabe Willie McCallum Ian Taylor Davy Whiteford Obviously there will be more.
  10. Regardless of who is capable of winning the league when we come to play Celtic, it's common sense to rest a few of our top players to ensure they don't get injured. For all we know the league might be won by then and Celtic could field some reserves and injure some of our boys! We don't have a monopoly on tactics and Celtic will be thinking about the same sceanrio's that we are. Fortunately for us they are still trying to win the league and I hope it goes down to the wire as it wil take more out of them physically. If they field their best team against us then we should hammer.....cough, fairly of course, Kayal, Broon and Commons. I'm also concerned about McCourt coming on with fresh legs late in the cup final game as he's dangerous.
  11. What a disgrace that supporters are treated like this by fellow 'supporters'. These people are scum and should be named and shamed. Fuck off back to your sewers you glory hunting arseholes.
  12. Brines is possibly the worst referee I have seen. You can tell by his body language that he has seen incidents like the one with Duberry last night but it appears he is incapable of making a decision. People can say it doesn't matter who the referee is for the St Jonstone match but poor refereeing decisions can cost you the game.
  13. I seem to remember that big nosed chunt Henry Hall scored in the 1970 match.
  14. I agree. It must be one of the worst national stadiums for a country ranked in the top 50. Take a look at the Millenium, Murrayfield and the new Irish AVIVA Stadiums and then compare them to Dumpden. I realise that those stadia are for rugby but it's an indication of what we could and should have had when they rebuilt the place.
  15. Why disrupt a winning team to include Craigan? The back four snuffed out United and should be given another chance to do the same against the Sheep.
  16. I voted for Hampden. Not out of any nostalgic notions that semi's should be played there. I just hope that the bigger arena will allow us to play good football.
  17. Correct, Ian St John installed it as he wanted to view the game from above to get a beter perspective without sitting in the stand. Unlike Lennon who obviously likes viewing from the stands.
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