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Okay, Will I Be The First To Say It?


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  Frazzle said:
the team don't look motivated


Last nights performance was trash but you are cherry picking your negativity a little I think.


They didn't look motivated last night but against Rangers in the semi final?


Against Aberdeen coming back from 1-0?


Against Kilmarnock when they did everything but score?


Even against Hamilton when we played them off the park for the first half, admittedly easing off later but with a lead.


I only go to home matches and cup games but generally over McCall's tenure I don't think lack of motivation is something that has screamed out at me.

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  TheLip69 said:
Your opinion, like most of the pro-McCall side, seems to be based more on hope than on judgement.


My opinion is based on my judgement. My judgement may be flawed - it has been in the past - or it may be bang on. However at the moment my judgement gives me hope.


Are there things I'd have done differently? Yes - I'd have played Forbes last night. I would have hooked Gunning when he couldn't run, I'd have left Jeffers on. But holistically I think he is a promising manager.


And I'm basing my judgement on seven weeks as I really don't know enough about what was going on at Bradford to make informed comment on how good, bad or indifferent he was.

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  MJC said:

the team look disjointed and tactically all over the place and more worryingly lacking in motivation and belief in themselves. That is the job of the manager to instill these qualities into his players and from what has went before Stuart McCall is not doing this.[/quote


What a load of tripe. have you been watching the games for the whole season? This is nothing new. the motovation and beleif were missing even under JAck & Victor. Give SMcC

a chance to try and work them round into shape before calling for his head FFS

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We have had shite days like this a-plenty under virtually every man who has been in charge. Accies last time round at Fir Park a most recent example - and no-one was demanding the removal of Jack and Victor - least not at that point.........

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  Martin said:
So Thatcher invented selfishness? A dinnae hink so.


I never at any point said she did. She promoted it though.


Up until the early eighties most fans went along to support the team through good or bad. I can remember the Fir Park faithful cheering the team off the park after a bad home defeat. That doesn't happen now and hasn't for 25/30 years. You wanted the team to win but it wasn't the end of the world if it didn't. It was our team. There were always good teams in England or Germany but they weren't our team and we didn't follow them or become obsessed with them as we do now.


Gradually the winner / self centred mentality began to take over, after Thatcher came to power (just to spell it out though - some always had it). In recent years due to media exposure many fans only want to be associated with winners. I met someone a few months ago, a joiner, who said to me that he was highly skilled and worked damned hard all week and therefore deserved only the best. Thats why he would only watch EPL football.


I want the best for MFC but we will only ever be a provincial team, hopefully one of the best. Our expectations should reflect that. I'd like for us to win every game but that just isn't going to happen. To come back to the original point, I don't agree with all SM has done but he needs time and patience from us. We need to go back to our roots as a community club.

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I think folk on here are just looking for any reason to get rid of mccall as the ones who didnt want him as manager have made there mind up after a few weeks and nothing is going to change that but that is there opinion and everybody is entitiled to that but i for one will give him time to get his own team together in the summer then he can be judged with results. But up untl then we have to wait till the summer at the moment the squad is thinner than a anorexic

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  Infamous Wee Grafter said:
Had to laugh last night at some lad standing behind me, he was moaning about the way we were playing and then used Barcelona as his comparison..........




Were you sitting with your dad (?) in the East Stand towards the away end, at the end of a row?


My mate was blethering pish (albeit tongue in cheek pish) about how this is no Barcelona, and how folk would rather watch the Arsenal v Barca game on the telly than come to this shite. I was saying that it was too tippy tappy sometimes and sometimes you wanna see Jennings or Craigan or whoever absolutely crunch someone in a blood and thunder game on a Febuary midweek....?


I still stand by that, however pish the other night might have been, it sort of represents what you go and watch and know, and in some ways actually like in a kind of martyrdom way. As opposed to the corporate, soulless, non-contact sport you see in the like of the Emirates.


If it was us, there's yer explanation!

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Couldn't agree more with pingu there. Give me a pish Motherwell-St Mirren under the floodlights in the rain with proper men playing proper football (albeit with a different result) ahead of the corporate Americanised bullshit that is the Premiership and Champions League anyday.

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When did it suddenly become our divine right to beat St Mirren? They hold a better record over us in the past three years.


On Wednesday night they got lucky we didn't. Simple.


Most SPL games are now very tight with the odd goal seperating the teams. Why? Because we are all fighting over the same bunch of players in the transfer market. All it takes is guys like Eremenko, Kyle or Goodwillie to move you from a bottom six to a top six position.


We lost lots of players and only managed to get a few in. They need time to settle in and hopefully it will come good. There are signs that we are going in the right direction. It just takes time.


Thats fitbaw - you just deal with it.


But as for turfing out the manager. Away ye go!

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It just begs the question that if MJC was in charge of Motherwell how many Motherwell managers would have survived as they did the last 30 years because they have all had horrid runs. Butcher would have been out on his ear before you had the chance to say cup final or top six or 2 semi finals.

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  Frazzle said:
Couldn't agree more with pingu there. Give me a pish Motherwell-St Mirren under the floodlights in the rain with proper men playing proper football (albeit with a different result) ahead of the corporate Americanised bullshit that is the Premiership and Champions League anyday.


You must really hate champions league and the premierahip then as you don't half moan like fuck about how shite watching Motherwell is! :-)

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