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Cup Final Tickets


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  On 5/16/2011 at 12:30 PM, Welldaft Mk1 said:

I have one spare ticket for the BT south stand section P2. The cost of said ticket is £35.

PM me if interested. I will have a few Well questions to ensure you are a Well fan :evilgrin:


That is rather the point in selling your tickets in the passworded forum

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  On 5/16/2011 at 12:57 PM, tollan1886 said:

but not everyone has access to the passworded forum :whistling:



Quite. Probably easier to access the Pentagon.


I am trying to sell a ticket and have given no personal details, phone nunber, address etc. If it needs to be done in the Fort Knox section then I will happily do so. That said who would want to try and sell a product in a section with less buyers........

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  On 5/16/2011 at 11:59 AM, Andy_P said:

What ever happened to those mysterious Caped Crusaders whose heroic efforts at bidding high on ebay on behalf of Dossers everywhere at the CIS Cup Final were brought to the attention of the nation by The Sun? :whistling:

:laugh: Still got the T-Shirt Bob got made up :thumbup:

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I am trying to sell a ticket and have given no personal details, phone nunber, address etc. If it needs to be done in the Fort Knox section then I will happily do so. That said who would want to try and sell a product in a section with less buyers........



totally agree, why do we have to try and sell something on something that most of us, me included can get into.

oh and by the way i aint selling i am trying to buy! i am sick of waiting on Motherwell FC to get back to me.

anyone with 2 tickets pm me!

or can someone tell me how i get into this members section?

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Apparently we sold our 16,000, were given a further 1,000 and they are very nearly now gone. No idea how reliable this information is, my dad was up buying tickets this morning and thats what he was told.

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  On 5/16/2011 at 8:07 AM, Rory Bellows said:

Alright MFC fans


I might have 2 spare tickets - B7 Row Y


PM me if anyone is interested


Well fans only



  On 5/16/2011 at 1:31 PM, discodave said:


totally agree, why do we have to try and sell something on something that most of us, me included can get into.

oh and by the way i aint selling i am trying to buy! i am sick of waiting on Motherwell FC to get back to me.

anyone with 2 tickets pm me!

or can someone tell me how i get into this members section?


Dave, meet Rory

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  On 5/16/2011 at 1:02 PM, Welldaft Mk1 said:

Quite. Probably easier to access the Pentagon.


I am trying to sell a ticket and have given no personal details, phone nunber, address etc. If it needs to be done in the Fort Knox section then I will happily do so. That said who would want to try and sell a product in a section with less buyers........


  On 5/16/2011 at 1:31 PM, discodave said:

totally agree, why do we have to try and sell something on something that most of us, me included can get into.

oh and by the way i aint selling i am trying to buy! i am sick of waiting on Motherwell FC to get back to me.

anyone with 2 tickets pm me!

or can someone tell me how i get into this members section?


Only too happy if folk are able to do exchanges and swaps in this part of the forum. If you can sort something out here then ideal!


What the Cup Final section was set up to do, by nature of its entry criteria, was to take away an element of risk for those looking to buy/sell/swap and in a small way try to reduce the chances of tickets ending up in the wrong hands. There's no danger of say someone popping up from nowhere registering and concocting some story about their undying love for Motherwell having in an attempt to get a ticket, when all the while they're sitting in a green and grey hooped shirt in Coatbridge and talking their way into buying a 'Well end brief.


But there's more than that in there.


Aside from a little fundraiser for the site whilst at the same time adding a little extra side issue to the final, there was space created to allow the organisers of the display on Saturday a wee bit of privacy to sort their plans out without letting the cat out of the bag. And there's also something we hope to have in place that will help those that can't make it to the game on Saturday.


Sorry if you haven't got the 50 necessary posts and/or joined after December last year but the entry criteria has been done with the best of intentions.


If you do, then all you need to do is PM a Mod or Admin who will happily give you the password you need to enter the Cup Final section.

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