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Scottish Cup Final Pre-Match Banter


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Cup Final weekend has landed. All that exists now is fans, buses, pubs and football. I've got 48 hours off from the world, man. I'm gonna blow steam out my head like a screaming kettle, I'm gonna talk '52 and '91 to strangers all day, I'm gonna lose the plot in the West Stand. The Steelmen inside me are freakin', man! Tonight I'm Scoojy O'Neill, I'm Stevie Kirk. I'm going to Hampden Park with my chosen family, man. We're gonna celebrate more than Neil Lennon ever could, anything could happen tomorrow, you know? This could be the best day of my life. I've got 1886 quid in my back burner* - I'm gonna wax the lot, man! The Scottish Cup is on me! Yeah!




*Not true, but it goes with the theme

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40mins until I finish for the weekend, cannae wait til the Missus arrives from Edinburgh, then off to Mushtaqs for buffet then over to the Leccy Bar for some pre-match drinks this eve I believe.


Cannot wait!

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  On 5/20/2011 at 12:30 PM, Yir Elder said:

Keevins has nothing to say that I want to hear, so I no longer bother with the ill-informed wee pecker.


I would go as far and say none of them on Clyde 1 and Real Radio have nothing to say. All they talk about is the Old Firm - it's boring. The last time I heard them specifically talk about Motherwell on a Saturday afternoon was when Boyle confronted Craig Brown a few months back. I turn on the radio to catch-up on all the other Scottish Scores. Being a football fan I'm quite interested in all the other scores. Seldom do I hear a mention anymore. It takes me around 25 minutes to get home (Carluke) after a match and its quicker for me to hear the scores on Sky Sports news when I get into the house. I really weep for the future.

Edited by LambjayMFC
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  On 5/20/2011 at 2:52 PM, scoojy said:

Cup Final weekend has landed. All that exists now is fans, buses, pubs and football. I've got 48 hours off from the world, man. I'm gonna blow steam out my head like a screaming kettle, I'm gonna talk '52 and '91 to strangers all day, I'm gonna lose the plot in the West Stand. The Steelmen inside me are freakin', man! Tonight I'm Scoojy O'Neill, I'm Stevie Kirk. I'm going to Hampden Park with my chosen family, man. We're gonna celebrate more than Neil Lennon ever could, anything could happen tomorrow, you know? This could be the best day of my life. I've got 1886 quid in my back burner* - I'm gonna wax the lot, man! The Scottish Cup is on me! Yeah!




*Not true, but it goes with the theme


Outstanding mate, cannae beat a bit of the Human Traffic!


Moff's "Peter Andre rant" in the back of the taxi could apply to one or two Celtic players or staff I'm sure... :whistling:

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Still absolutely buzzing, heading to Daniels for 5, this '91 party about 7ish, then up the road afterwards for an attempt at a few hours sleep before heading to Joe's at 7.30am tomorrow. So I'm basically just trying to look at the next 45 minutes of being the last of the "waiting" and then we're into the real thing, albeit with still a while til 3pm tomorrow! :whistling:

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  On 5/20/2011 at 4:49 PM, steelman1991 said:

That's it - Cup Final weekend begins here and now - off to GAZZAMFC68's for a party and sleep over :whistling:


C'mon 'well lets just do this :yahoo: See you all tomorrow.

You lucky bassa :nod:


Like a few others, been fairly calm all week but been burstin since I got up this morning - took a run out to Motherwell to renew our seasons, and the excitement just got worse.


A few beers in the house tonight, on here, watching DVDs etc, and aim to get up early and head out to the Coopper for 11 - no doubt see you there.


Have a good 'un tonight :yahoo:




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  On 5/20/2011 at 5:39 PM, StipeIsGod said:

Got a flat in Glasgow. It's a tube and two minute walk away from central. If anybody fancies getting a few drinks in afore the game, in town, then get in touch via PM, and we'll go from here ;)


don't forget to double bag it, no idea what you can pick up from strangers

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The odds are firmly stacked against us, the chances of us doing it are slim to say the least. But tomorrow is a special day for the club and I hope against hope that somehow we can do it and win our first silverware in 20 years. Good luck to Stuart McCall and his boys, if they win this then by God they will have written themselves firmly into Motherwell history.



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