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Just curious to see whether a certain section of our support we can rise above gutter level, support MFC for ninety minutes and ignore McCarthy and dispense with the shitey songs that seem to follow the guy wherever he goes.


Sections of the media will no doubt be on the alert looking for another stick to beat our support with, lets not give them a helping hand.


Or am I asking too much ?

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You probably are. As much as I hate the wee dick and would normally give him a bit of stick (although not the song in question), Hugh Keevins etc will be currently sharpening their knives in anticpation of dragging Motherwell through the gutter.


I think ignoring him would be the best course of action for many reasons.

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The danger is when you single an opposition player out for whatever reason, as was seen at the game at New Douglas Park, it sometimes has a nasty habit of coming back to bite you on the arse. For every Broadfoot who goes to pieces there's a McCarthy who gets extra motivation to get it roun his detractors.


I still look forward to Maros putting him in the air mind...... :wallbash: Hopefuly when we're 3-0 up and its in the bag ofcourse.

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I'll be giving him dogs. Why should we ignore him or hold back? He plays for one of our biggest rivals and theres a possibility it will affect his game.


If i met McCarthy in the street or away from football i wouldnt have a problem with him but as soon as he crosses the line onto the Fir Park turf he's a wee bawbag and i'll do anything that can help Motherwell gain a victory.

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  Rustic said:
why don't you actually boo archie knox.~the guy who actually said that mcarthy wasn't good enough for scotland!stop waistin your time and stick to the footie!surely society today has improved from the dark ages grow up!



Nonsense. That argument doesent hold water with me in the slightest.


If i played for a team and was told when i was 15 or 16 years of age i wasnt good enough to play for my country i'd be bursting my arse to prove everyone wrong - not jumping ship to a country i like to pretend i'm from.

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  Bop said:
I'll be giving him dogs. Why should we ignore him or hold back? He plays for one of our biggest rivals and theres a possibility it will affect his game.


If i met McCarthy in the street or away from football i wouldnt have a problem with him but as soon as he crosses the line onto the Fir Park turf he's a wee bawbag and i'll do anything that can help Motherwell gain a victory.


Yeah that'll get us a victory :lol:


What planet?


All it will get is column inches that you will throw your arms up in indignation about.


Can't you (and your cronies) be a bit cleverer for a change!

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  Bop said:
Nonsense. That argument doesent hold water with me in the slightest.


If i played for a team and was told when i was 15 or 16 years of age i wasnt good enough to play for my country i'd be bursting my arse to prove everyone wrong - not jumping ship to a country i like to pretend i'm from.


But that is you and why should he do that just because you would. He has done absolutely nothing wrong and i don't think for a minute he thinks he's Irish. He has said many a time he would have chosen Scotland over Ireland if asked and that he wanted international experience, he was given a chance and he took it. The guy doesn't deserve abuse for this reason.


Get over it.

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  Bop said:
If i played for a team and was told when i was 15 or 16 years of age i wasnt good enough to play for my country i'd be bursting my arse to prove everyone wrong - not jumping ship to a country i like to pretend i'm from.

Good for you pal but since when did what you would do set the moral benchmark for the rest of society? Is this really a good enough reason to hate somebody?


If, by chance, the guy just wants to play international football at any cost, what is the problem with that?


If, because of his upbringing, he has equal allegiance to two countries, whose business is it but his which of those countries he chooses to play for?


What if ROI was his second choice which he regrettably made after being given the impression he would be unlikely to play for Scotland?


What if all of the above are true? Why should you give a fuck? I really don't get this narrow-minded attitude at all.

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  Rocky said:
Itll happen whether we like it or not, he one of the players in our rivals team no way you can stop any form of abuse.and we shudn't try its part of the brittish game.


Its idiots like hugh keevins we need to get out of a job and into the real world :lol:



Its idiots like Hugh Keevins we hand stories on a plate to.


The abuse worked a treat at New Douglas Park btw - when he scored two and rubbed our pathetic noses in it.


My chest puffed with pure unadulterated pride when in a quieter moment one of my fellow 'Well fans bellowed 'Fuck Off ya wee t a i g bastard'. I was over the moon to be a well fan that day!


I was also chuffed to spot that he was standing a few rows in front of my cousin and his young son.


For every two 'Patriots' there's a hanger on that manages to take it that wee step further.

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  bigshinyhead said:
If, by chance, the guy just wants to play international football at any cost, what is the problem with that?

Eh, because playing international football is an honour you should have to fight hard for? If you're not good enough to play for the country of your (or your parents) birth, hard lines. Is James McFadden lucky he wasn't born in Italy because he wouldn't get in their team but is a key player because Scotland have fewer players to choose from? Undoubtedly. But that would have been his bad luck. This is why I have very little interest in international football. Sullivan, Elliot, Commons, these guys all devalue the whole thing.


Will I boo McCarthy on Saturday? Not unless he does something on the field that merits it. His choice of international team, while it saddens me, it only does so as a symptom of the greater malaise running through international football...

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on 90 mins we're 3-0 up, Mcghee should shout to kimpl to tackle as high as possible on the wee arse!! ruin his career and he can go back to ireland to recover!!!


People go on about this narrow minded nonsense, have you ever stopped to think that McCarthy represents everything that is bad about scottish football. Celtic fans thinking their irish, rangers fans thinking their english!!! It's not being narrow minded, because i think my hatred is based upon intelligent and well thought principals!!!


Maros end his career!

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  bigshinyhead said:
Good for you pal but since when did what you would do set the moral benchmark for the rest of society? Is this really a good enough reason to hate somebody?


I'm not setting any "moral benchmark" for anything at all and i dont for one minute claim to hate James McCarthy, i'm sure hes a nice enough guy.


  bigshinyhead said:
If, by chance, the guy just wants to play international football at any cost, what is the problem with that?


If this is the case for anyone then whats the point in international football? It should be an honour and something that you should only experience if you are talented/lucky enough to make it for your own country.


  bigshinyhead said:
If, because of his upbringing, he has equal allegiance to two countries, whose business is it but his which of those countries he chooses to play for?

He doesent though, he might feel some sort of mock affinity towards Ireland due to his "celtic minded" upbringing but he is Scottish and theres no debating that.


  bigshinyhead said:
What if ROI was his second choice which he regrettably made after being given the impression he would be unlikely to play for Scotland?


Then as ive said, i've no respect for him in his profession because playing for your country should be an honour, not a right.


  bigshinyhead said:
What if all of the above are true? Why should you give a fuck? I really don't get this narrow-minded attitude at all.




You seem to be the one who "gives a fuck" about it, i certainly wont lose any sleep over James McCarthy. I'll abuse him for 90 minutes on saturday and that'l be it until the next time we play them. I couldnt really give a shite what McCarthy chose or chooses to do in the future, but if us giving him stick has even a 1% chance of affecting his game i'll do it.

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  MelvinBragg said:
Is James McFadden lucky he wasn't born in Italy because he wouldn't get in their team but is a key player because Scotland have fewer players to choose from? Undoubtedly.

Purely speculation, If he was born in Italy he would still have Scottish parents. Also, He could have been brought up there in a culture where his style of play works and isn't chopped down every two seconds.



  lennyhenry said:
on 90 mins we're 3-0 up, Mcghee should shout to kimpl to tackle as high as possible on the wee arse!! ruin his career and he can go back to ireland to recover!!!


People go on about this narrow minded nonsense, have you ever stopped to think that McCarthy represents everything that is bad about scottish football. Celtic fans thinking their irish, rangers fans thinking their english!!! It's not being narrow minded, because i think my hatred is based upon intelligent and well thought principals!!!


Maros end his career!


Hahahaha, good one.


Luckily we have a team of professionals on and off the field and not filled with hatred and jealousy.

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  lennyhenry said:
on 90 mins we're 3-0 up, Mcghee should shout to kimpl to tackle as high as possible on the wee arse!! ruin his career and he can go back to ireland to recover!!!


People go on about this narrow minded nonsense, have you ever stopped to think that McCarthy represents everything that is bad about scottish football. Celtic fans thinking their irish, rangers fans thinking their english!!! It's not being narrow minded, because i think my hatred is based upon intelligent and well thought principals!!!


Maros end his career!



Wow! :)


Are you logging on from the special unit at Shotts? :lol:

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