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Uncle Phil

Motherwell Seagull

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Just saw Frazzle's post re Uncle Phil on another thread and it hit me that we are only a few weeks away from the anniversary of his passing.


Its been a typical year for Motherwell fans in terms of the rollercoaster ride, but am sure that many (of not all) of us will want to remember Phil in some way.


Just wondered if any thought had gone into some form of display - perhaps at the Inverness game?

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Just one of the things to look our for at the ICT game will be a bumper 80-page match programme with a large section in the middle dedicated to Phil and his memory!


Some of the good and great of the Scottish Football writing world will contribute...


Also hard to believe that last Thursday was the 10th anniversary of Andy Thomson's death too! The Hearts programme carried a tribute but as the game was postponed, it will be reproduced in the Kilmarnock issue this coming Monday.



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Think the ICT game is going to be an emotional day for us all. It's so hard to believe that a year has gone past since then, and even more incredible to realise that's 10 years since Andy Thomson passed on. Can recall it like it was yesterday. Amazing.

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The plans for the permanent memorial are still very much in place, James. However, we have decided that we couldn't possibly raise enough money from one event so, as much as we didn't want to drag it out, we had really no choice. We're holding a more corporate event at the Hilton in February to suppliment what was made at the fans night in April, and we hope to unveil something either for the end of the season or for the beginning of next term, ideally to coincide with a game to open the stand, if that ever does happen.


Since we're on the subject, can I make a final public appeal for everyone to snap up the DVDs from the 'Well Shop to help us make the memorial as impressive and iconic as possible to do justice to our former captain? At just £10, it would make an excellent stocking filler, particularly at this time when peoples thoughts naturally turn to the tragic events of last Christmas.


If I'm being honest, the DVD sales have been pretty disappointing, especially given that we decided how many to produce by gauging the tremendous feedback the event received from this site, and this is part of the reason why we have to stage another event.



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I'll definately be buying one of the DVDs. In all honesty I just forgot they existed until now.


Me and my pal were just discussing the other day how we haven't had a game for the renaming of stand. We almost had ourselves convinced that we had been excessively stupid and missed something. But seeing as others on here have heard nothing about this yet I take it we didn't miss the announcement.

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Time certainly flies indeed. Ten years since Andy Thomson's death have flown by and I think it's fair to say that no-one can believe how quickly Uncle Phil's anniversary has appeared.


Looking forward to seeing the tributes in both programmes.


PS, forgot about the DVD as well, will need to buy it soon!

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I think the ICT game with be an emotional occasion for us all, and the first anniversary of Uncle Phil's passing should be marked. My opening suggestion would be a full minute's round of applause right on 78 minutes.


Its not intended to be too morbid, but for me that would be really moving and very simple to carry out, dignified too.


In terms of Andy Thomson, I mind him popping into the old Sports Division shop from time to time when I worked there. The last time was a week before his ill-fated birthday when I recall slagging him for a truly horrendous jumper!


I remember hearing about his passing on the phone and almost dropping it, terribly sad and I hope Motherwell FC never has to deal with anything like this again.

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I always think that a minutes round of applause is nicer than a minutes silence. Obviously, I underastand the meaning and importance behind the silence, but I have just always thought the applause to be more fitting when remembering someone's life and what they meant to people. Good idea.

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It is strange to think it is almost a year since Phil died. As a Motherwell fan in a place where there aren't too many of us around, I'm often asked about his death. It still feels very raw to me as I'm sure it does to all of us. To not only lose Phil so suddenly but to be there at his last moments of life and to witness the anguish of his teammates and our fellow supporters was an incredibly traumatic experience and one I hope none of us ever go through again. What Phil's wife and children, not to mention Clarky, went through that day doesn't bear thinking about.


I'm sure the ICT game will be emotional but I hope it turns into a happy occasion as Phil's life and his remarkable contribution to our club merit an awful lot of celebration.

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That day will live long in the memory.

I was getting ready for my girlfriends 21st birthday when the news came on sky sports, i'd never felt shock like that in my life, it felt like some i know had passed away. I'll never ever forget it.


I love the 78th minute idea would be very touching and emotional. .

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