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A thought. The original package was put together by MFC before the Well Society was even constituted, now ofcourse we have a fully functioning Society completed with its own board.


Obviously any changes would need to be done in conjunction with the club but perhaps the suggestion to look again at the package for exiles should now be raised directly with one of the Well Society board?

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I doubt that many members make use of any of the perks. As far as I know the free MFCTV for a year was more to do with promoting the new channel with hope that after a year folk would then opt to start paying for the service making it a viable money making resource for the club - giving it away for free to anyone defeats the purpose.

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I didn't sign up for the 'Well Society for the discount/benefit package, but if the club is intent on selling it to exiles and ex-pats (and trading on that fact in their publicity), it wouldn't hurt to offer *some* discount/benefit we could take advantage of.


Agreed. perhaps this needs to be looked at for members living well outwith Lanarkshire.

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MFC TV probably has a cost, whereas a small discount on things like hospitality, tickets etc goes direct to the club.


Perhaps a discounted MFC TV deal would be the way to go, then both parties win. Then to decide who's an exile? So would probably have to be open to all members.

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Perhaps a discounted MFC TV deal would be the way to go, then both parties win. Then to decide who's an exile? So would probably have to be open to all members.

I guess for an 'exiles-only' scheme they could use IP detection to only allow the exile member accounts to log in from outside the UK. That's not perfect either of course--could be worked around with proxies, and folk in England, Wales and NI could rightly claim they were missing out despite being 'exiles' too. And if they didn't already have any geo-detection code in place, I doubt they'd want to add it just for us.


Simplest solution, perhaps, would just be to allow members to choose their benefits when they join or renew. Either you choose the 'local' package with discounts on tickets etc., or you choose the 'exiles' package with MFC TV membership. Though that would require a little extra admin of course, which doesn't strike me as the Society's strong point so far.

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The simplest (although perhaps least favourable) would be to offer no other benefits other than voting rights in the Society.


Ultimately, I'd prefer we focused on making communications as transparent and accessible as possible for locals and exiles alike.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1371225223[/url]' post='386405']

I'd imagine that Communication is for Well Society Members only !


Pretty sure I'm not giving away much here. There was no indication of confidentiality and it's hardly a secret society. If people know what's going on perhaps they'd be more open to joining. If I'm doing harm though then I'll be sure to keep schtum next time.

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Hand up who's never made a mistake in life?

We all make mistakes. Someone clearly made a mistake when they set-up the society rules.

See if the Society & Club turned round and said "by the way, we ballsed it up", I'm pretty sure most members & fans would have been cool with it.

Instead, the Club & Society have both tried to hoodwink us with their recent communications on this "share purchase".

I smell shite...

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I was apathetic to the society very soon after parting with my initial £300. Don't get me wrong, I genuinely do not give a fuck about a DVD, but if the Society can't keep a promise to issue out something so basic as they stated in their opening gambit, then what hope should we take of them fulfilling other promises or long term goals?

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I agree with DosserJoe. They should have come clean as soon as the problem was known. Folks on here picked up that something was not right so it was only a matter of time before the truth came out.


We are told in the E-Mail that it is preferrable for the Society to loan funds to MFC rather than to inject funds by way of a share purchase. I think that might be to give the Society a stronger claim in the event of MFC going belly up. I seem to recall that Shareholders rank dead last when it comes to insolvency payouts, so it is better to be owed loan monies. Might be wrong in all of that but maybe someone more clued up than me can clarify..........or maybe even a Society Board Member could comment! Not that I'm suggesting MFC are about to go into Administration but any lender should protect their monies as best they can.


It surprises me that there is no mention of the Share arrangement being reversed and the £150k then being made available as a loan as we were originally told it would be. My reading of the latest update is that the emergency arrangement would continue with only further advances being made by way of a loan. Why?

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