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  On 8/4/2015 at 10:52 PM, weeyin said:

Worse than that, it's the club they are trying to buy that doesn't have them. Maybe Les will lend them his iPhone.

It was about having a reliable connection in the meeting room at the time so they could do a live video link/audio broadcast was it not? Response was there was no connection to do it? Not that they don't have internet/phone lines full stop. We know they do as they have email addresses and phone numbers which are used! Haha.

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Response was that they were using a meeting room with no internet or phone connection. That is still a major failing on their part given that they used long distance and overseas members in their original publicity drives and marketing and then conduct meetings in a way that knowingly excludes them.


I brought that to their attention for the very first meeting and they acknowledged the issue (with that excuse), which means for every meeting since then they have knowingly excluded us.


At the very least they could have recorded the meetings so we could watch (or listen to) them after the fact.


The exact feedback I received (on January 30th, 2013) was:


"Unfortunately, we don’t have the facilities available to us at this time to enable a conference call and the Wi-Fi signal isn't guaranteed in the Centenary Suite, however we will be happy to look at any other options or ideas you may have."


Anyway, I'm sure most people are as bored of reading my complaint as I am of repeating it, so I'll shut up now.

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  On 8/5/2015 at 7:00 AM, kmmfc said:

Signed up my nephew for a junior membership last Thursday and have had no response yet from the Well Society. Sent a couple of e-mails and still received no response. Poor from the Well Society.


The Well Society responded not long after I posted this so they are getting around to replying to people.

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  On 7/30/2015 at 12:09 PM, weeyin said:

I raised the issue of not being able to participate when the first Well Sociey meeting was planned and was fobbed off with the "we dont have internet or phone lines" excuse.



  On 8/5/2015 at 11:21 AM, weeyin said:

Response was that they were using a meeting room with no internet or phone connection.



Ooft, you would be all over that revision like a rash if someone else had said it! :P

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  On 8/5/2015 at 11:52 AM, kmmfc said:


The Well Society responded not long after I posted this so they are getting around to replying to people.

So they only get their act together once you complain about it publicly?


This all seems about as organised as I expected them to be. Really shooting themselves in the foot by not having a solid structure in place before grabbing everyone's cash.

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  On 8/5/2015 at 3:08 PM, Cornelius_Tabernacle said:

This all seems about as organised as I expected them to be. Really shooting themselves in the foot by not having a solid structure in place before grabbing everyone's cash.

What is your experience of joining the Society - have you encountered any problems?


As for me I've experienced a few minor annoying snags but nothing major, although I can understand Weeyin's issue.


I think you're exaggerating a bit when you wrote about the Society "grabbing everyone's cash". That kind of implies a Society rep is going around mugging fans and demanding payment.


At the end of the day the Society, through its members, has prevented the club from entering administration and thats good enough for me.

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I haven't had any problems at all really. Speaking as a member in Scotland. Can also see why the likes of weeyin is annoyed as an overseas too though.


Given there is over 1000 members in the WS I would think/hope majority of experiences are ok and it's those with a bad experience speaking up up more than those with a good/normal experience. That is the usual with any service to be fair...people dont, in the main, talk about a decent service..only when it goes bad (which is fair enough I guess). All about expectation also.


Joined via GoCardless and pack came through a few weeks later. For me that was OK as I was not really bothered about having a card or using any benefits straight away. Likely will never use them is my view.


A few months later I cancelled in error at the bank end. Joined up again and took a phonecall then an email confirm from WS to link things up on the society end. All sorted within a week or so. Again fine for me.


Most recently upped my membership and dropped another email to ensure all was OK and that was confirmed in 24hrs. (the email I referenced most recently)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now that I'm back home I'm seriously considering joining the Well Society, just had a look at the website and there's a whole list of monthly amounts that can be paid via 'gocardless' or Paypal and it looks easy enough. Just wondering though, are there still the different membership types? Amber, Claret, Steel, etc. or have they been dropped in favour of the monthly contributions?


The junior membership is now a one-off £25 plus £20 renewal which looks a good deal, I'll get my kids signed up for those.

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  On 8/19/2015 at 12:48 PM, Mad Dog said:

Now that I'm back home I'm seriously considering joining the Well Society, just had a look at the website and there's a whole list of monthly amounts that can be paid via 'gocardless' or Paypal and it looks easy enough. Just wondering though, are there still the different membership types? Amber, Claret, Steel, etc. or have they been dropped in favour of the monthly contributions?

Other than the Junior membership, it's just the monthly contributions now, and you unlock the Steel, Claret, Amber etc. benefits when your total contributions reach that level.

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Okay, cheers mate.


Edit: Signed myself up for monthly installments with paypal which was no bother at all. Doesn't seem to be a paypal option for junior membership so went with 'gocardless' but it never asked me for my bairn's names which seems a bit odd or am I supposed to provide that info elsewhere?

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  On 8/19/2015 at 2:26 PM, Mad Dog said:

Okay, cheers mate.


Edit: Signed myself up for monthly installments with paypal which was no bother at all. Doesn't seem to be a paypal option for junior membership so went with 'gocardless' but it never asked me for my bairn's names which seems a bit odd or am I supposed to provide that info elsewhere?

When I signed up with go cardless I got an email from the society asking to confirm my details so they can send out membership things and stuff (Still awaiting that after 4 months)

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Interesting and concerning in equal measure


Only 360 signed up to direct debit - so only 20% of target. Since we only ever had 1000 members and not all were adult members - 2000 adult members seems overly ambitious.


It is a challenge for most in this day and age to buy both a season ticket, merchandise, hospitality AND sign up for the Well Society.


I signed up initially to one of the top packages and made a significant commitment to the club, fully aware that the money would be used up. My beef is that initially it was run quite well and the after Leanne left the momentum was lost. That and some of the original benefits were never forthcoming. That in itself was not an issue just another example where you set expectations and all too often with Motherwell, they fall well short and hardly encourage you to follow up with additional commitments.


I am a broken record, but based purely on my experiences on the commercial side and the above I would have walked away a long time ago were it not for my passion for the club. I am sure the same could be said of many many others.


No doubt I will commit to direct debit at some point. But if the club are to get anywhere near the numbers required they simply have to up their game, communicate better and most of all follow up and stay on top of ongoing commitments that membership to the Well Society offers. Past history suggests that will be very difficult to achieve.


Back to Hutchisons comments - he must have gone into this knowing the to achieve 2000 would be a tall order. I am sure we are all very grateful for him coming in at the time he did and providing much needed finance and support. Without him we would be in right pickle, but I find his warnings of what may happen in the future a little annoying. I am sure most of it is done to make all on here aware of the situation and to do his utmost to get people to sign up. Not sure it is the correct strategy.


Time will tell.

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