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Robert Jarvie


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Robert Jarvie, aka Big Jaffa, known to many on here. A Motherwell man who took many to Dortmund; Stiff Little Fingers fan, and organiser of the slightly bonkers Dalziel Arms Bus, sadly passed way last night.


I'll miss you big man.

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Gutted to hear about the big man this morning. Some of the best times of my life following the 'Well were shared with Jaffa & the rest of the troops on the Dalziel bus throughout the 90's as well as some amazing nights at the SLF gigs at the Barra's. The trip to Dortmund was something that will live forever in my memory too.


Can only repeat what's already been said previously.


RIP big man. You'll be sorely missed.

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Went to many games on the Dalziel Arms Bus, it was epic .....with me being quite possibly the quietest guy on it.


Robert had presence yet great patience, having time for everyone and always with a smile on his face despite being tested by those who wanted one last slurp of the Buckie on the railway bridge.


Gutted that Jaffa will miss his beloved team make their Champions League debut, but I'm sure many of us will raise a glass to the man beit in Istanbull, Greece, Moscow, Ukraine or Braga.



Rest in Peace big fella.

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Was slightly wary of adding more than the normal RIP you would wish to any departed 'Well fan, because I know of two or three Jaffa's without actually knowing any of them but I think I've just clicked who it is.


I remember Jaffa from the association meetings of the early 90's and the impression he left me with from those Thursday nights in the Centenary Suite was indeed, as Special says, a guy who always had a big smile on his face. Impressive stuff at those meetings when so often they got bogged down in trivialities.


I mind his contributions were always valued as he came with a different attitude to most. It was all about the troops going to the game and having a laugh. If in doing that they stayed within the boundaries of the association rules, great, if not, ahh well a smile and a laugh it was all in the past now anyway and on to the next time.


Sorry to hear of his passing and thoughts are with his family and friends.

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Really sad news!! I used to live next to his Granny up the Clyde Valley and as a kid i spent many a Summers night playing Headers,Flicks and Volleys with him and his brother!! Great Motherwell fan and a top guy!!! Thoughts go to his family!!

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