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Rallying Call


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I have posted numerous times on this over the last few weeks. Some of it you may think was pish and some of it may have offended you and if I have I apologise but that was never my intention. My intention was to put across my opinion which was to have a fair Scottish football. I think I'm entitled to express my opinion because I have put a hell of a lot of my hard earned cash in to Scottish football in my life as have posters who disagreed with me.


I have said a lot about the club in this too and have put a lot of criticism their way. They have listened to their fans and have voted the right way. They have done right by the fans and that I have to commend them. Voting this way will bring us serious financial hardship and that I recognise. It is now time for me to do right by my club. It is time for me to buy my season ticket, pay the £30 quid for my Champions league ticket and even leave my season ticket at home some weeks and pay in to games at the gate. All these things are little things but if all Motherwell fans do the same then it will all add up and we can make a difference and keep our great little club going. The club are going to ask a lot of the fans over the coming months. We need to be there for them and listen to them like they listened to us.


Any Motherwell fan who doesn't attend the games for whatever reason please make an effort in the future. Stay in that Saturday night and get yourself to Fir Park. If you can't afford a Well Society membership then get your child/sibling/nephew/niece etc a junior one. 10 years ago it was the well worth saving campaign. Well now is the time to give the club your full support. They need you, I need you because I want a club to support, well I suppose we all need each other.


Anyway who is willing to pay in to games against club 12 whoever that me be? I know this alone will not even begin to plug any gap but we all have to start somewhere.



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Ok I see that Flow has urged all fans on twitter etc to help with any ideas for raising funds for the club at #SteelmenForever. Get your ideas in. I see the club are going to request our help officially over the next few days. So lets get involved guys. Forget SEVCO, The SPL and lets start talking about and getting involved in plans that will secure the future of our club.

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Spot on.


At the beginning, the vast majority of us wanted Motherwell to vote 'no'. They have done that. What happens now with the newco will impact on Scottish football as a whole, on our club, and might still cause anger amongst our fans, but it's now out of our club's hands.


Rather than moaning about having to pay £30 for the Champions League game, it's time to get behind the club the best we can.



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Good post mate. I still have issues with Scottish football as a whole (and I still maintain Rangers in the First Division is corruption personified) but I've been buoyed by today's news and I recognise that our club has done everything we've asked of it. It's now our turn.

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Well said. Spl clubs have done right by spl fans so time for fans to repay. Home and away. Dont forget at least another 9 clubs voted no. Scottish football was dying under the stranglehold of the old firm and now we have the chance to rebuild.

Neil Doncaster can f*ck off.

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  On 7/4/2012 at 6:38 PM, Motherwell89 said:

we could rent lasley out for hen nights

Seriously though we can hold speakers night's in the cooper/centenary suite and we can auction the players and whoever wins get's to have lunch, dinner or have them attend your birthday party etc.

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aim really high and try get some mega glamour friendlies! couple a season to replace the income from the rangers games...


or just play enough extra games to cover what we lose from the rangers games :P


things like gigs for musicians etc, circus, Falkirk stadium recently had Elton John mind and the circus is there the noo! :thumbup:


pre-season training in Scotland rather than Portugal :laugh:

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  On 7/4/2012 at 6:56 PM, Motherwell89 said:

aim really high and try get some mega glamour friendlies! couple a season to replace the income from the rangers games...


or just play enough extra games to cover what we lose from the rangers games :P


things like gigs for musicians etc, circus, Falkirk stadium recently had Elton John mind and the circus is there the noo! :thumbup:


pre-season training in Scotland rather than Portugal :laugh:


Some of these teams sadly COST a fortune to play. I mean weren't Celtic CHARGING £2m to play in Holland recently?


Simple, easy to organise ideas that turn a profit should be the idea. However I'd like to see people actually get something for their money rather than blindly handing over cash. Even if that means entering into monthly lottos/raffles at least there is a chance of winning something even if it lunch with the players or a signed shirt.

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Great to see some positivity coming to the fore, especially after all the snash we've had to endure in recent weeks.


There is a difficult journey ahead of us, and we all have a responsibility to do what we can, however little to support our Club. For my part, I'm buying a Season Ticket. Living 200 miles away I'll get very little chance to use it, but it's my expression of support and thanks to MFC for doing the right thing.


I'm feeling very very proud today. :)

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I asked the club about the opportunity to put more in, they are on the case and by the looks on twitter it will be soon


worth remembering that we want the money to be as effective as possible so needs to go in through the most tax effective and profitable route.


I'm all for money/spare change chutes to be dotted around the ground next to turnstyles-kiosks etc to let us put cash straight in when we attend


in the meantime , plenty of current opportunities to put money in


like my personal favourite which for around twenty years has trickled a little out of my bank account into the club


Well Lotto clicky gets money straight into youth development and sometimes you even get a nice wee return, It's nice and easy to set up a cheeky wee standing order and it just rolls on every month nice and regular that the club can budget on

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  On 7/4/2012 at 7:09 PM, Jay said:

Get the club shop to start selling those Motherwell bucket hats from the '91 cup final, ahead of our Euro trip.


Although a good idea and I'm sure the Club Shop appreciate it the money would go into that rather than assisting the Club.


The most obvious, best, yet possibly hardest idea is to try and persuade as many people you know to take up season tickets for this coming season.

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  On 7/4/2012 at 7:15 PM, Brazilian said:

how about just a nice positive thread for a change where we don't knock ideas, just boost what you feel are the good ones and let the club take them on if required?


Who's knocking ideas?

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  On 7/4/2012 at 7:19 PM, nethertonwellfan said:

I don't think that's what he meant, more of an appeal thumbup.gif


At the same time I'm pretty sure we can rationally discuss the merit of these ideas, how they can be improved, any holes that the person coming up with the idea might not have seen and so on. From that discussion better ideas will be formed.

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