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  On 7/26/2012 at 6:54 PM, well_nuts said:

Been talking to a few Aberdeen fans that where there in 2007. they all meet in Syntagma Square before the game and got the subway (3 stop away)to the stadium. The where drinking in Mikes Irish bar the night before and after the game. In Syntagma Square there is plenty of bar and all that stuff about it.



Don't make big plans yet.......Aberdeen played at the other stadium

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  On 7/26/2012 at 6:54 PM, well_nuts said:

Been talking to a few Aberdeen fans that where there in 2007. they all meet in Syntagma Square before the game and got the subway (3 stop away)to the stadium. The where drinking in Mikes Irish bar the night before and after the game. In Syntagma Square there is plenty of bar and all that stuff about it.



The game will be at the Olympic stadium, the old one has been closed...Syntagma square seems to be the main area in the centre of Athens, plenty of bars, good metro links to everywhere so this seems like a good shout for a meeting place and a few beers, plus my hotel is 2 mins away :cheers:

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  On 7/22/2012 at 7:33 PM, NottsMFC said:

Brother can't go as he's starting a new next week job so didn't think would be going.

Just couldn't resist though!


Booked on 16:35 flight from LHR, arrive Athens 22:10 on the Sunday, return flight 17:25 on the Thursday.

Staying @ Radisson Blu Park hotel.


Hoping we're still in with a chance after 1st leg!



That's the same flights I am on.


See you at Heathrow :cheers:

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  On 7/26/2012 at 8:15 PM, Finlay said:

If deposits were being taken at any stage then it SHOULD have been announced.


What email did you send to mate?

That would have been the right thing to do or at least they could have had the decency to let people know they were registering interest for something that was already full before it was even announced.

When they make the announcement about tickets should we make sure they haven't all been sold in advance?

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  On 7/27/2012 at 9:40 PM, Dosser30 said:

as soon as the draw was made my mrs phoned the club and booked me on the charter. simple





edit - folk will moan about anything


I don't know whether you intend it to be but that comes across as you being rather smug, particularly when you've gone to the point of adding in an edit for which there's clearly no need. Missing the club's first ever away Champions League fixture is clearly not just moaning about anything.


If the guy has followed the instructions that the club set out I think he's entitled to feel a little disappointed if he's not made the plane, particularly if he's followed the instructions that the club gave out only to discover people had apparently made arrangements before that announcement was even put out.


I can only imagine it must then seem all the more frustrating when it appears some fellow 'Well fans are engaging in one-upmanship.

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the problem with not following a set out process is it fails too many people, Ive got a mail to one of the commercial staff, asking to be put on the charter list from back in June, but never got put on it. which I can accept as I never followed up the official email address but then you argue those that showed initiative should get the places


anyone willing to pay up deposits should be taken, the club were still adding to the reserve list the day before it was announced full 'as people always drop out, when it comes to paying', but then as my details were scribbled down on the back of the till log doubt they would have made it to the real list anyway


that cant be a good scenario for the club as it generates additional workload going through unconfirmed lists, trying to contact people etc or for those on the list who can never be sure if they are even on it.


on that I know the club are under staffed and over worked at times like this so can accept mistakes, but we've known about Europe for months we've known the 4 potential opposition teams for months, meaning a charter was all but guaranteed to happen, why wait until after the draw to start the official list, when everyone is overworked


Letting people down in this manner, where they have followed the clubs request but have no early indication that they might not be high enough up the list to have any chance of getting the flights, means some will not consider the charter in the future

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  On 7/27/2012 at 3:39 PM, Special aka said:

Details in from MFC;- 6am meet at FP, arriving in Athens back of 3pm local time, (not much daylight left for siteseeing). Staying in 3* city centre hotel apparenty.



Did they tell you the name of the hotel mate?

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At t risk of being hounded for going off topic, i think that given that this was the champions league etc, the size of the official party on this trip was guarenteed to be larger than usual. By this i mean club officials and directors, friends and family of club officials and directors, sponsors, friends of sponsors and a whole host of other assorted hangers on. The number of seats on the charter for ordinary fans was always going to be limited.


If this had been done in plenty time then those who never got a seat still had time to make alternate arrangements, but by the time they were told the plane was full all the cheap deals had gone. The club have had 4 months to sort this out so if the demand was there why not put on 2 planes, or use the same plane split over 2 days like they done for the trip to Katowice in 91.

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  On 7/29/2012 at 11:07 AM, Spiderpig said:

At t risk of being hounded for going off topic, i think that given that this was the champions league etc, the size of the official party on this trip was guarenteed to be larger than usual. By this i mean club officials and directors, friends and family of club officials and directors, sponsors, friends of sponsors and a whole host of other assorted hangers on. The number of seats on the charter for ordinary fans was always going to be limited.


If this had been done in plenty time then those who never got a seat still had time to make alternate arrangements, but by the time they were told the plane was full all the cheap deals had gone. The club have had 4 months to sort this out so if the demand was there why not put on 2 planes, or use the same plane split over 2 days like they done for the trip to Katowice in 91.


4 months? Do you really think that 4 months ago the club could plan on chartering a plane when they don't know where OR when they would be travelling. I'm pretty sure it's not quite as simple as "have a plane on standby, we'll give you the specifics a week or 2 before we go". The club would have had to wait until they knew exactly where and when they were going before they could even LOOK at the possibility of chartering a plane.

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  On 7/29/2012 at 12:28 PM, SCDave said:

4 months? Do you really think that 4 months ago the club could plan on chartering a plane when they don't know where OR when they would be travelling. I'm pretty sure it's not quite as simple as "have a plane on standby, we'll give you the specifics a week or 2 before we go". The club would have had to wait until they knew exactly where and when they were going before they could even LOOK at the possibility of chartering a plane.


Pricing it all up for every possibility (there were only 4 teams, playing each team 1 of 4 days), so 16 rough guides. Pretty basic procurement stuff.

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  On 7/29/2012 at 11:07 AM, Spiderpig said:

At t risk of being hounded for going off topic, i think that given that this was the champions league etc, the size of the official party on this trip was guarenteed to be larger than usual. By this i mean club officials and directors, friends and family of club officials and directors, sponsors, friends of sponsors and a whole host of other assorted hangers on. The number of seats on the charter for ordinary fans was always going to be limited.


If this had been done in plenty time then those who never got a seat still had time to make alternate arrangements, but by the time they were told the plane was full all the cheap deals had gone. The club have had 4 months to sort this out so if the demand was there why not put on 2 planes, or use the same plane split over 2 days like they done for the trip to Katowice in 91.


there are still plenty of deals at far less than the cost of the club charter out and about if people still want it mate....you can leave from edinburgh, stay up to 4 nights in a 5 star hotel with a direct(ish) flight for between £400-£500 quid

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  On 7/29/2012 at 1:51 PM, stoney said:

there are still plenty of deals at far less than the cost of the club charter out and about if people still want it mate....you can leave from edinburgh, stay up to 4 nights in a 5 star hotel with a direct(ish) flight for between £400-£500 quid




anyone who is willing to shell out 650 notes can get flights, accomodation and a ticket no problem.

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