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The Scottish Communities League Cup


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Wasn't aware you needed to be a member now - is that all threads or just those that might attract people not interested in a reasonable discussion?


Bit of a shame it's come to this but I can see why you've done it.


Just a social (THE Rangers and Jim Traynor) experiment

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McCall has done wonders for our club, but his comments about Rangers fucking rile me up.


This negative shite he spouts gets into our players heads and they go into the games already thinking they are beat.


Also this pish about matching any side in the SPL is total bollocks. Yes they have signed a few SPL players such as Black, Shiels and Templeton, but apart from that they are very sub standard side and this has been shown with their really average start to a season in a league where players are paid £50 to play.


We are currently top of the SPL, finished third last season and have a really encouraging set of young players coming through and McCall fucking wastes the good vibe kicking around the place and comes out with this pish.

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We are currently top of the SPL, finished third last season and have a really encouraging set of young players coming through and McCall fucking wastes the good vibe kicking around the place and comes out with this pish.



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McCall has done wonders for our club, but his comments about Rangers fucking rile me up.


This negative shite he spouts gets into our players heads and they go into the games already thinking they are beat.


Also this pish about matching any side in the SPL is total bollocks. Yes they have signed a few SPL players such as Black, Shiels and Templeton, but apart from that they are very sub standard side and this has been shown with their really average start to a season in a league where players are paid £50 to play.


We are currently top of the SPL, finished third last season and have a really encouraging set of young players coming through and McCall fucking wastes the good vibe kicking around the place and comes out with this pish.


Agree entirely and it's partly the reason why I'm not looking forward to this game at all.

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Despite what Jay thinks, I'm not "greetin'" about it, just tired of hearing it from the guy who is motivating our players.


It was more a tongue in cheek comment about those who'd be greeting about it even if it was just a nothing comment taken out of context or a case of being misquoted.


I don't have a problem with McCall playing us down as favourites. It'll do us absolutely no favours to go to Ibrox with the added pressure and expectation caused by being favourites.


But talking us down before games against Rangers does us no favours either. If its genuinely going to end up being his usual 'chances are we'll get horsed' chat then someone at the club needs to have a word and finally ditch that patter.

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McCall has done wonders for our club, but his comments about Rangers fucking rile me up.


This negative shite he spouts gets into our players heads and they go into the games already thinking they are beat.




What he tells the press and what he says in the dressing room might just be two different things ...

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I had to go check my age there, if it's 53 years since we last won there in the League Cup I'm definitely not 48 cos I seem to remember us winning there in the mid-70s, think Joe Wark scored.



1975 Matt. 1-1 John Greig equalised with a 30 yard screamer, made a change from him assaulting people and making them scream. Crowd was 30000, I was there on a rare visit to Ibrox.

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The Rangers might have some SPL standard players but they also have a few who wouldn't get a regular game for any SPL team and a manager who's found his level in the third division. Talking them up hasn't exactly worked in the past so surely it's time to tell it like it is and say we'll be going to win as we're the better team.

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What McCall says to the Press (and what then is actually reported) and what he says to the players are, more than likely, completely different. Never trust what appears in the Rancid or the Old Firm mouthpiece hat is the times.



Given Rangers last-ever game at Ibrox in their previous form was a 0-0 draw against our good selves proves we have nothing to fear from an opponent a mere shadow of that lot.

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McCall has done wonders for our club, but his comments about Rangers fucking rile me up.


This negative shite he spouts gets into our players heads and they go into the games already thinking they are beat.


Also this pish about matching any side in the SPL is total bollocks. Yes they have signed a few SPL players such as Black, Shiels and Templeton, but apart from that they are very sub standard side and this has been shown with their really average start to a season in a league where players are paid £50 to play.


We are currently top of the SPL, finished third last season and have a really encouraging set of young players coming through and McCall fucking wastes the good vibe kicking around the place and comes out with this pish.


Entirely agree with all of this.

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"This isn't just a football match. This is WAR! We aren't playing motherwell in the 3rd round of the cup. We are playing the scum, we are fighting the SPL, we are taking on the SFA, the bigoted journalists and every c**t who kicked us when we were down. Everyone who stabbed us in the back and laughed. That's what this game represents to me. A chance to show all those c***s our POWER. This game is Rangers v All of Them. The desire to smash them, embarrass them off the park, send them home a quivering mess is overwhelming. But this is a battle. We must win by any means.


Boycott? You won't be boycotting a match, you'll be boycotting the fight.


This isn't just football, THIS IS PERSONAL! "


Belter. :popcorn:


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Top prem and international managers talk up the opposition as favourites all the time, especally when away from home. I would read much into this from a managerial perspective.

That said, mccall has not found a way to send us out to produce a shock against superior opposition. We either outplay the other team, or we try and are pumped, time and again. Not a problem for ibrox though we'll outplay them at a canter, because they are mince.

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