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One Step Beyond


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These days, it's just as easy to read electronic mags on the bog as paper ones. I'll bet there are a fair percentage of posts on here these days that are sent from the stalls.


PMSL or should that be SMSL!

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Slight diversion from topic. Not a regular buyer of OSB mostly because I havent been a regular attender at FP for a good few years as my daughters have been growing up.


Can anyone enlighten me as to what happened to Wherever You May Be?


Did it morph into OSB? Am I right in thinking many of the contributors are one in the same?


As for the future of OSB I think most of the posters above have covered it.

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Slight diversion from topic. Not a regular buyer of OSB mostly because I havent been a regular attender at FP for a good few years as my daughters have been growing up.


Can anyone enlighten me as to what happened to Wherever You May Be?


Did it morph into OSB? Am I right in thinking many of the contributors are one in the same?


As for the future of OSB I think most of the posters above have covered it.



No connection that I remember although perhaps Yir Elder contributed to that first.

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Got mine delivered and have scanned through it,


Not sure you'll have the market going forward to cover your costs but I'll continue to subscribe, usual ups and downs, with topics and ramblings to peruse, some issues I will not put down and read cover to cover others I'll just scan and then read each section when trap one is vacant


'Well worth £1 surely?


And with only 4 or 5 issues a year it would be a shame for it to be put down due to lack of buyers

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Even if the online format isn't appealing, you maybe ought to at least get a basic website & Facebook page up and running for it? Then more people would be aware of it, and more would buy it online (all you need is a paypal account) and possibly at the stadium as well.


Awareness is the key. With Facebook being free I find it astounding that any business or enterprise wouldn't make use of it.

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Fair do's guys. Much rather you give poor feedback than none at all, least you bothered.MInd you we only started in 1994 so obviously it wasn't OSB Kirky read.



Madscot, all my work afraid to say which leads onto another decline, the number of contributors has slowly slipped. Trying to keep on filling pages with stuff off the top of my own head time after time maybe another factor. I'm conscious that personally I'm covering the same old topics time after time from my perspective, we obviously need new blood to keep things fresh but again the well is drying up through factors like social media giving folk their instant outlet.


Time for me personally to bow out perhaps and hand over to a younger bod, if there is a younger bod out there willing to take it on. Much discussions to come, thanks for your time everyone.

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At £1 I'd say its value for money. Detailed comments:


* it should 100% concentrate on Well related articles


* Would like to see some new features maybe moving away from James Brainier, Dossers Glossary etc.


* What about some guest contributors - dependent on volunteers of course (that said I've never written an article).


* Long term maybe move towards an electronic format as that is the way things are going.

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At £1 I'd say its value for money. Detailed comments:


* it should 100% concentrate on Well related articles


* Would like to see some new features maybe moving away from James Brainier, Dossers Glossary etc.


* What about some guest contributors - dependent on volunteers of course (that said I've never written an article).


* Long term maybe move towards an electronic format as that is the way things are going.



All noted, cheers :thumbup:

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All noted, cheers :thumbup:


Should probably add that there's nothing inherently wrong with the articles I've mentioned, its just that they've maybe run their course and its time to introduce some new features to freshen things up. Happy to write an article for the next edition.

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To everyone who has something football related to say, type it up and send it in. One thing about the Ed, he puts all contributions to print, and unedited too. There's absolutely no rules. Just go for it.


It's by Us, for Us ----- and I'd hate to see it die.


Change is inevitable, not always good but inevitable. Here's hoping we can control/embrace whatever change is required to ensure the continuation of OSB in whatever format it morphs into.

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Bought OSB yesterday.


Think its a decent read for a quid and I quite like the different characters which give the fanzine a bit of identity. Dont think these should be changed at all, although I think some fresh contributors taking on some of the characters would freshen things up a bit and take some of the pressure off MJ. Can only imagine the hard work required to get one of these to print.


I think most posts should be Motherwell related but need not be exclusively so. We all love football and there will be some stories which transcend club loyalty such as zombie fc or harry potters scotland circus.


Would be good to try and inject some more humour as that will always shift copy but thats down to the contributors to supply material.


Anyway, keep up the good work Matt, it is a Motherwell institution. If I can think of anything interesting to write I will give you a shout.

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I've not bought a fanzine in a while although I was more a GLF man, but I've bought OSB in the past as well just not as regularly.


I guess there are two main reasons why I don't any more.


The first reason was that you bought a fanzine to see what other fans thought about your team. Nowadays we have internet message boards for that sort of thing and I think the internet has completely usurped the fanzine in that role.


Secondly it was something to read while the teams were warming up and you were tucking into your pie. Back in the day there was very little content in official programmes and you only really bought them because you collected them and because they were the only source of club stats in the pre-internet era. The fanzines generally had a lot more reading in them so while you could flick through the programme in 2 minutes the fanzines had a bit more to them.


Again things have changed there. The programmes have improved a great deal (although at a cost) and there is much more content in them. Funnily enough the cost of the modern programme is something which puts me off also buying a fanzine. It might only be a pound but if you've already bought a programme at £3 I think you are a lot less likely to also buy the fanzine.


I'm getting old(ish) now and I have a nostalgia for the way things used to be when I first started coming to Fir Park so I wouldn't like to see the fanzines go out of business but at the same time I used to buy and I don't any more.

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I'm only a few pages into the issue but you have hit upon a point there Special in terms of feedback on specific articles.


When it comes to fanzines I'm personally happier with a paper copy in my hand. I've seen some cracking looking magazines put online - Setanta used to do an interactive magazine when they were on the go for example where you clicked the corners and the pages turned, all nice and colourful, really looked the part. Never read it mind you as it just felt odd reading a magazine on the computer.


But feedback is one of the downsides of a paper issue. There have been plenty of occasions where I thought I disagree/agree with that and you feel prompted to respond....only to mind that it could be 3 months down the line before the next issue comes out and your points will probably long since be out of date.


An online version would I think benefit from the ability of folk to be able to respond and comment to articles and points raised.

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Fair do's guys. Much rather you give poor feedback than none at all, least you bothered.MInd you we only started in 1994 so obviously it wasn't OSB Kirky read.



Madscot, all my work afraid to say which leads onto another decline, the number of contributors has slowly slipped. Trying to keep on filling pages with stuff off the top of my own head time after time maybe another factor. I'm conscious that personally I'm covering the same old topics time after time from my perspective, we obviously need new blood to keep things fresh but again the well is drying up through factors like social media giving folk their instant outlet.


Time for me personally to bow out perhaps and hand over to a younger bod, if there is a younger bod out there willing to take it on. Much discussions to come, thanks for your time everyone.



No, don't do that, keep it going mate.


I could write a few travel articles, for instance: my trips to Nancy, (Trains, planes and buckaroo), Odense (around the world in 80 days) or adventure in Athens (39 steps).


As someone once said, it is for US, written by US, (or you, I should say).


Give me a shout if you want me to write my tall tales.

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A few questions if you don't mind mate;


1. Where is this fanzine advertised? I've seen it mentioned on here when a new issue is due, but nowhere else.


2. Why haven't you at least got a Facebook page up & running for it? It's free, and would raise awareness. You'd have a potential audience of hundreds who will know when a new issue is due, and also a chance to advertise for some new articles from new writers.

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From those that bought new issue ............... any constructive feedback on specific articles. What you liked/didn't like and why ???


Guy that wrote the Panathashitos article, wow what was that guy smoking yahoo.gif


Kidding mate so far its the one article I got round to reading but then they do say that work is the curse of the drinking classes

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Surely if the fanzine has a Facebook page, there's no point in actually buying it?

Why? A Facebook page isn't going to carry entire articles, is it? :blink:


It would be used to announce when new issues are due, asking for some contributions and suchlike.

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