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Over Zealous Stewards


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We had a meeting with a few folk, including two head stewards, not too long ago and they are very keen on building a relationship with the supporters through the Trust.


At the end of the day, I'm sure the stewards (on the whole) would rather stand up the back and casually have a blether with the fans in row R while the game's being played than become involved in aggro with supporters. However, they are all fed instructions by people who pick things up on camera and would get their jotters if they didn't do what they're told.


It's also difficult for the club to monitor the individual stewards as a lot of them are casual or agency staff. I believe there is now measures in place to remedy this and from next season we should see an improvement, but we've been told to pass on any concerns about the conduct of individual stewards in the meantime and they'll be dealt with.


So if anyone has anything that they would like the Trust to report or get feedback on, please let us know.



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Seems this problem is limited to that corner of the ground maybe the stewrds should rotate places at different times during the game as the girls who steward where I am are no problem ffs they have even bee known to smile and laugh.



Lets see some sort of response from the stewards on here

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They certainly won't build up a relationship if they continue to blindly carry out nonsensical orders from above with such attitude as has been shown for too long now. We are there to enjoy following our team, not for them to order about like weans and the sooner some of them take some feedback to their superiors about the reaction from fans the better instead of just acting like jobsworths.

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  mjw said:
Theres a thread on p&b about a well fan spitting on Mccarthy and a steward turning a blind eye, are these guys only hardmen when they are bullying weans. I didnt see it myself but there seems to be well fans backing it up


If someone did spit on him then give them a medal. He was never close enough to the east stand to be spat on.

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  mjw said:
Theres a thread on p&b about a well fan spitting on Mccarthy and a steward turning a blind eye, are these guys only hardmen when they are bullying weans. I didnt see it myself but there seems to be well fans backing it up


I seen this happening, it came from the front row of the east stand where a group of young boys about 10 years old were standing, they waited 'till McCarthy turned his back and spat on him. A steward must have seen it happening but maybe he just never seen who did it.

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Guys ,


I am the assistant head steward at Fir Park based between the Cooper/East Stands and was one of those who met with the Welltrust/Wellboys.


We seem to be going backwards insetad of forwards on this issue - are the stewards ' over zealous ' because we ask the fans to sit down?


I would direct you to Frazzles response above.


We had a very good meeting with the Well Trust / Wellboys at the start of the year ( The Well Trust have posted the minutes of this meeting on their forum ) ; the issues from both sides were listened to and the match commander also stated his position namely that only the back two rows of the East Stand are permitted to stand and no other areas ( personally I see nothing wrong with the end section nearest the South Stand standing so tend to let that go as they generally cause us no bother and are blocking no-ones view, however I repeat that that is my position only and not that of the match commander who so far has also let things go - if he subsequently asks us to have that section sit down we will have to comply with his request.


When we ask you to sit down it is because we have had instruction from the police control room to have you do so.


It is all very well criticising the stewwards on the forums however so far we have had no feed back to us , as far as I am aware, on match days with any issues that concern you - please feel free to approach us or indeed the Trust through Frazzle


I was not made aware of the Mc Carthy incident for instance and if a steward ' turned a blind eye ' to this then that is completely unacceptable.


We are sad to hear of the demise of the Wellboys ( if that is true ) as we were starting to get a rapport going with them.


I look forward to seeing you all Sunday.

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how does that explain the steward who cant put his tammy on properly shouting at me to sit down every week just because i sit in the front row of the main stand and only time i stand up is when im shouting my team on,and many occasions hes shouted at my mates five year old to sit down when he needs to kneel to see over the wall.

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Were going about this all wrong, our fans get bother and ordered to sit down/shut up but at old firm games hundreds of mutants get away with singing filth and standing, therefore its simple -

We wear green/blue t-shirts refuse to wash the day or 2 before a game and replace every second swear word with f****n/orange bastard and were sorted, no more hassle about noise and standing!! :(

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Well I get a bit more than £ 19 as that is the basic steward wage !


As regards Main Stand I know that we get reports from the manager most weeks about abuse coming his way from the front of the main stand and stewards have been asked to find out where it is coming from( however I am not in the least suggesting that mfcmainstand is responsible) - We can do better here - I will have a word with the guy in question this Sunday to see what the situation is and how we can better deal with it.


As far as Old Firm games are concerned you know and I know we are on a hiding to nothing there I am afraid to try and get them all to sit down - we will do the best we can on Sunday but we will not win that battle at all no matter how hard we try !

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with regards to the abuse the manager recieves your "men" are situated no where near where the abuse comes from,they hide themselves up the back or down the stairs everyone knows exactly where the barrage of abuse comes from, in actual fact it comes from the supposed more well to do fans, who probably think because they have a bit of cash and give some to the club they are entitled to do this.

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  wellboy60 said:
As far as Old Firm games are concerned you know and I know we are on a hiding to nothing there I am afraid to try and get them all to sit down - we will do the best we can on Sunday but we will not win that battle at all no matter how hard we try !


So if it becomes healthy and safe for the great unwashed to stand at Fir Park you'll accept the same standards for 'Well fans that wish to stand, or are you coming clean and admitting that you can bully 'Well fans to comply?

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The aftermath from the metting with stewards/police was one of the reasons for the break-up the Wellboys some of the points brought up and therefore "solved" in my eyes ruined all the good work the group had struggled to achieve. Both Rangers and Hibs fans congradulated the group and well fans after the game where we sat :lol: behind the pillar saying it was the best home atmosphere they had seen all season.


Another major factor was age and losing its ture meaning and identity. There was a massive difference in age between the younger guys coming through and the older boys so to speak.

Due to other niggly reasons the older boys fell away feeling the group had lost its meaning and realised it perhaps wasnt what they wanted or expected.


We offered guys on the fringes of the group to come forward take a bit more to do with it rather than it die, it was only a few of the younger guys who showed any real promise but they too the decision to start a new group with a new identity and make thier own imprint, and have done very well over the last few weeks.

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  wellboy60 said:
As far as Old Firm games are concerned you know and I know we are on a hiding to nothing there I am afraid to try and get them all to sit down - we will do the best we can on Sunday but we will not win that battle at all no matter how hard we try !

What a completely outrageous statement. What you are essentially doing here is admitting that you are incapable of doing your job. It is totally unacceptable for your jumped up little Hitlers to bully kids into not enjoying themselves then hold your hands up and say you're not actually brave/capable enough to deal with proper troublemakers. What a fucking disgrace you are sir. Do the decent thing and resign eh? Then maybe we can have proper security with the balls to apply the same rules to everyone and the intelligence to distribute manpower where it is most needed.


Jesus, there are some proper wanks on this board but I've never been more angry at a post than this.

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  Humpseed said:
ive had a look at mst online to see the minutes of this meeting between stewards, welltrust and wellboys, but cant see a thing. If this is actually there can someone point me in the right direction????


I've moved the article back onto the front page for now so it's easier to find, it's just under the Sports Dinner story.


Click here.

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I took my 14 year old daughter year daughter to the cup game v st mirren, were in east stand, ref gave a free kick against us ,she shouted at the ref about it, before she had sat back down we had a jobswoth steward telling anymore of it and she would be ejected from the stadium,needless to say neither she nor i where very happy with this.now she will not be going back to a game at fir park.One small incident ,but how many of them has there been and how many of the future generation of supporters have the club lost with this kind of incident

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